
As part of my design principles, I wanted each model to have its own unique name. Neither Death Guard nor Daemons generally care about decoration, and given that each model has a unique look there is no compelling reason for them to have their names written on their armour as identifiers. Instead, I have written the name of each model on the edge of its base where appropriate. Only the Nurglings and Beasts of Nurgle / Chaos Spawn are unnamed, which is due to their nature as temporary creations of Nurgle's whim.

There is also a structure in the names: every Chaos Space Marine has the title of "Brother", indicating the ties between them and their equality, right up to the Daemon Prince Vromikos. The Great Unclean One, Shmalog, is titled "Father", and above him is Grandfather Nurgle himself. In this way, I am emphasising Nurgle's strong familial nature.

Chaos Space Marines

Many of the names used by Games Workshop for characters in the Imperium are based on Latin. To give a feeling of warriors that predate the current regime, I opted to use names based on Greek instead. These still sound like they could be Imperial in origin, but the different source language gives them a distinct style that stands out from Imperial names. Further this allowed me to use the Greek alphabet for various pieces of written text on the models, enhancing their otherworldly feel. As a handy bonus, the only playable Special Character for the Death Guard, Typhus, also has a Greek name.

This table lists all of the Chaos Space Marine models in my army, showing the meaning behind each of their names. Note that the Greek words here are missing their stress accents; this is because there are standard HTML entities for unaccented Greek letters, but not for accented letters, and I wanted to make sure that the contents of the page were viewable without requiring additional fonts.

Character nameGreek wordEnglish meaningModel
TyphusτυφοςvapourHQ: Special Character
Brother Vromikos the PustulentβρωμικοςfilthyHQ: Daemon Prince
Brother Atimias the ViolentατιμιαdishonourHQ: Chaos Lord
The Most-Wise Brother PonokefalosπονοκεφαλοςheadacheHQ: Chaos Sorcerer
Eklektos SquadεκλεκτοςchosenElites: Chosen
Brother Molismas the Unrepenting  converted Night Lord
Brother Sfalmas the Damnedσφαλμαerror 
Brother Kakotihos the Certainκακοτυχοςunfortunate 
Brother Ongkos the Chosenογκοςtumourstandard bearer
Brother Kokkaliaris the Deadlyκοκκαλιαρηςbonyconverted Maugan-Ra
Brother Anexihniastos the FaithfulανεξιχνιαστοςinscrutableFW sorcerer
Brother Zaromenos the Furiousζαρωμενοςshrunkenchaos squat
Skathari SquadσκαθαριbeetleElites: Terminators 1
Brother Karkinosκαρκινοςcancer 
Brother Halastisχαλαστηςdestroyer 
Brother Olethrosολεθροςcalamity 
Brother Skopeftisσκοπευτηςmarksman 
Brother Ateleiotosατελειωτοςunending 
Brother Palisπαληstruggle 
Brother Limosλιμοςfamine 
Katsaritha SquadκατσαριδαcockroachElites: Terminators 2
Brother Polemosπολεμοςwar 
Brother Katathikisκαταδικηdamnation 
Brother Anagoulasαναγουλαsickness 
Brother Emetosεμετοςvomiting 
Brother Pligisπληγηwound 
Brother Matomasματωμαbleeding 
Brother Molopismosμωλωπισμοςbruise 
Mygha SquadμυγαflyElites: Possessed
Brother Exongkomenosεξωγκωμενοςswollen 
Brother Metallagmenosμεταλλαγμενοςmutated 
Brother Fouskotosφουστκωτοςinflated 
Brother Alloioumenosαλλοιουμενοςmutant 
Brother Katestrammenosκατεστραμμενοςdamaged 
Brother Prismenosπρησμενοςbloated 
Brother Meteorismosμετεωρισμοςflatulence 
Brother TrelarasτρελαραςmadmanElites: Dreadnought 1
Brother TholofonosδολοφονοςmurdererElites: Dreadnought 2
Ghypas SquadγυπαςvultureTroops: Plague Marines 1
Brother Astheneiasασθενειαmalady 
Brother Arrostiasαρρωστιαillness 
Brother Nososνοσοςdisease 
Brother Athiathesiasαδιαθεσιαmalaise 
Brother Panolisπανωληςpox 
Brother Loimosλοιμοςpestilence 
Brother Panouklasπανουκλαplague 
Skolikas SquadσκωλικαςwormTroops: Plague Marines 2
Brother Atihosατυχοςunlucky 
Brother Pathisisπαθησηcondition 
Brother Vasanosβασανοtorment 
Brother Thlipsisθλιψηsorrow 
Brother Othynisοδυνηsuffering 
Brother Apognosisαπογνωσηdespair 
Brother Apelpisiasαπελπισιαhopelessness 
Arouraios SquadαρουραιοςratTroops: Plague Marines 3
Brother Akathartosακαθαρτοunclean 
Brother Fthorasφθοραcorruption 
Brother Sepsisσηψηputrefaction 
Brother Parakmisπαρακμηdecline 
Brother Sapilasσαπιλαputridity 
Brother Aposynthesisαποσυνθεσηςdecomposition 
Brother Sapismasσαπισμαrotting 
Haroupion SquadχαρουπιωνlocustHeavy Support: Havocs
Brother Misosμισοςhateaspiring champion
Brother Arinnusαριννυςfuryplasma gun
Brother Mastixμαστιξscourgeplasma gun
Brother Viaiosβιαιοςviolentplasma gun
Brother Agriosαγριοςwildplasma gun
Brother Aidiasαηδιαdisgustbolter
Brother Mahisμαχηbattlebolter
FtinakosφτυνωI spitHeavy Support: Predator
EkrixisεκρηξηexplosionHeavy Support: Vindicator

Chaos Daemons

Another language that I have some familiarity with is Arabic. The flowing style of written Arabic lends itself very well to painted text, and its alien nature to most players in the UK made it ideal for me to use as a Daemonic script. The clincher is the selection of characters that are accented with triple dots, reminiscent of the symbol of Nurgle. I have used those characters where I can in order to add to the visual appeal for a Nurgle-themed army. In particular note that I have used the Tunisian gaf as this has triple dots, and therefore includes the symbol of Nurgle when writing "Nurgle" in Arabic.

Please take note! This is in no way intended to associate the Arabic culture with Chaos. Rather I have sufficient knowledge of the language to want to celebrate it in my modeling. This is possible for me only because of my family background: my father was born and raised in Egypt. I grew up exposed to Arabic language and culture, and studied both myself at school. So please, no angry e-mails telling me that I'm somehow implying that Arabs are Daemons.

This table lists all of the Chaos Daemon models in my army, showing their names written in both Arabic and Latin characters. There are no meanings to the names; they have been selected purely for their look and sound, with Greater Daemons having two-syllable names and Lesser Daemons having one-syllable names.

Character nameName in ArabicModel
Father ShmalogGreat Unclean One

The following types of Daemon have not been given names due to their ephemeral nature or lack of sentience: Nurglings, Beasts of Nurgle, Chaos Spawn.