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These seven powers are linked to Nurgle, and selecting them takes a Sorcerer further down the path of Nurgle worship. All Toughness Tests made to resist an Opposed Focus Power Test for a Nurgle power are considered to be tests to resist a poison or disease, and consequently any Talents, Traits, or special abilities that grant bonuses to resist poisons or diseases grant their usual bonus.
Alternate Names: Litany of Pestilence, Delirious Chant
Value: 100xp
Prerequisites: Aligned Nurgle
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Difficult Opposed (-10) Willpower Test
Range: 30 metres
Sustained: No
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Description: As enacted by Nurgle's daemonic legions, the Sorcerer's throat rattles with the names of every disease he has ever suffered from, and every disease that Nurgle has ever gifted mortals with. Those caught within earshot of this pestilential incantation find themselves wracked with spasms of pain and delirium, as the Sorcerer speaks the true names of different diseases, invoking plagues both ancient and yet to occur.
Creatures caught within range of this power may oppose the Focus Power Test with a Toughness Test, suffering an additional -10 penalty if they have the Heightened Senses (Hearing) Talent. Any creature that fails to resist this power takes 1d10 + Psy Rating Damage and is stunned until the start of its next turn.
Alternate Names: Effluent Form, Vigour Mortis
Value: 200xp
Prerequisites: Aligned Nurgle, Toughness 40+
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower Test
Range: Self
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The Sorcerer's flesh twists and changes to resemble the blessed effluents of the Plague God, becoming crusted with filth and foulness such that the blows of the enemy do not cut so deep. Gifted with such a pestilential form, the Sorcerer can shrug off injuries that would fell a lesser man.
While this power is in effect, the Sorcerer gains the Unnatural Toughness Trait with a rating equal to the sorcerer's Psy Rating. However, so encumbered by filth is the Sorcerer that he suffers a -10 penalty to his Agility characteristic.
Alternate Names: Dessicant Word, Thousandth Necrotic Invocation, The Final Curse
Value: 400xp
Prerequisites: Mark of Nurgle, Psy Rating 5
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Test
Range: 5 metres x Psy Rating
Sustained: None
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Description: Whispering an incantation taught to him by a Plaguebearer, the Sorcerer focuses a stream of decay into one of his victim's body parts. At this foul command, the victim's flesh and bone wither away in a display of glorious atrophy, leaving shrivelled ruin in the spell's wake. Some sorcerers know this as the Thousandth Necrotic Invocation, one in a long list of vile syllables beloved of the Grandfather of Pestilence and capable of inflicting terrible afflictions upon their victims.
This power is a Psychic Bolt that causes the target to suffer a single Rending Critical Effect equal to 1d10. Leper's Curse does not do Damage to Wounds, but can cause limb loss, blood loss, or even death, depending on the Critical Effect.An opponent can only be targeted by the Leper's Curse once per combat.
Alternate Names: The Destroyer Hive, Heart of Contagion, Pandemic's Herald
Value: 400xp
Prerequisites: Corruption 30+, Aligned Nurgle
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Corruption Test
Range: 5 metres x Psy Rating radius
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Description: The grandest and most infamous of Nurgle's contagions, Nurgle's Rot is known by many names and has appeared on countless worlds, leaving entire populations desolated by this terrible daemonic pathogen. Nurgle's devoted sorcerers take on all manner of diseases, serving as host to the creations of the Lord of Plagues. From this seething mass of decay and entropy, these devotees of pestilence summon forth the psychic echo of this paragon of plagues, inflicting it upon those nearby.
The infectious gift of Nurgle is cast outward to embrace all who stray too near to the Sorcerer. Creatures within range of the Sorcerer while this power remains in effect suffer 1d10 + Psy Rating Damage, with the Tainted and Toxic (4) qualities. The damage ignores Armour unless it is environmentally sealed. Those Devoted to Nurgle are unaffected by this power.
Psychic Phenomena: While this power remains in effect, the air within the power's range is filled with a thick, acrid fog and swarms of massive bloated flies. Any creature within range that is not devoted to Nurgle suffers a -5 penalty to Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, Perception and Fellowship Tests as the foul vapour and buzzing flies hinder their concentration and drive them to distraction. This is in addition to any normal Psychic Phenomena.
Alternate Names: Pestilent Earth, The Plaguefather's Quagmire
Value: 300xp
Prerequisites: Aligned Nurgle
Action: Full Action
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower Test
Range: 5 metres x Psy Rating radius
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Description: While touching the ground beneath his feet, the Sorcerer conjures forth a wave of pestilence and decay, turning hardened soil into a morass of greenish-grey sludge. Many sorcerers invoke litanies of infertility or speak prayers of desecration, while others trace abhorrent runes in the dirt or pour jars of diseased blood onto the ground. Many sorcerers believe that this power was granted to mortals by one of the most renowned of Nurgle's daemons.
While this power remains in effect, the ground around the Sorcerer, which moves as he does (centred on him at all times), becomes swamp-like. Any creature - with the exception of the Sorcerer himself - within the power's radius must pass a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or fall whenever attempting to move faster than a normal Half Action movement rate.
Alternate Names: Epidemic Touch, Hand of Filth
Value: 200xp
Prerequisites: Mark of Nurgle
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Very Hard (-30) Willpower Test
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Subtype: Concentration
Description: The Sorcerer reaches out with arms dripping in foulness, to corrupt anything he touches. A single touch spreads stinking pus and other vile fluids, defiling anything they are left upon.
The sorcerer's unarmed melee attacks deal 1d10+Psy Rating I Damage and gain the Toxic (3) Quality, and he counts as having the Deadly Natural Weapons Trait. The Sorcerer's Strength Bonus is not added to the Damage.
Alternate Names: Torrent of Decay, the Grandfather's Gift
Value: 300xp
Prerequisites: Aligned Nurgle
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Test
Range: 20m x Psy Rating
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Description: At the Sorcerer's command, the skies fill with brooding, discoloured clouds that split open and pour filth and rotten blood down upon the Sorcerer's foes. Few can do little more than flee from this downpour of vileness. The most devout of Nurgle's sorcerers speak of this power as being a gift from Grandfather Nurgle, bestowed upon the world from the Plague Lord's domain.
This power is a Psychic Blast with a radius of 1+ the Degrees of Success on the Focus Power Test. Anyone caught within the area of effect suffers 1d10+7 I Damage with a Pen equal to Psy Rating and the Toxic (3) Quality, and must take a Pinning Test.
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