Eleven Traitor warbands were identified during the Vraks campaign:
- Three Khorne worshipping warbands, all World Eater sub-factions: the Skulltakers led by the Chaos Lord Zhufor (who would eventually rise to lead all the defenders of Vraks), the Sanctified and the Berserkers of Skallathrax.
- Four Nurgle worshipping warbands, all Death Guard sub-factions: Lords of Decay, the Tainted, the Purge and the Apostles of Contagion led by the Sorcerer Necrosius.
- One Iron Warriors sub-faction - the Steel Brotherhood.
- One Black Legion warband - the Black Brethren of Eyreas.
- One Alpha Legion warband - the Faithless led by Arkos the Faithless.
- One non-aligned warband - Adharon's Reavers (previously unidentified).