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Bursting Pustules - Nurgle

Difficulty level: Medium
Materials Used: Masonite, Styrofoam balls of varying sizes, epoxy putty, and sand.

Nurgle is a truly foul Chaos God. What better way to show off his putrescence than a land filled with rotting flesh, cantankerous sores, and ripe, pus-filled blisters! Apart from using the putty (which is used to hide the texture of the Styrofoam balls and give the fleshy base some depth), this is a fairly straightforward project. If you are feeling a bit adventurous, try using some of those action figure tentacles. Just make sure that you paint them in suitably Nurglish colors.

1. Cut the Masonite into an irregular shape shape with a band saw. If you don't have a band saw, use a hack saw or handheld jig saw. Do not use these power tools if you are young and have no parental supervision!
2. Bevel the edges to a 45-degree angle with a belt sander. If you don't have a belt sander, try a large file.
3. Cut the following Styrofoam balls in half with a hack saw or band saw: one 4" (use one half), one 2" (use both halves), and one 3/4" (use both halves).
4. Use putty to cover the surface of the balls to mask the fact that they're Styrofoam and create a smoother texture. Put them aside and allow them to set.
5. Cover the Masonite base in a millimeter-thick layer of putty. This should be irregular and does not have to follow the contour of the Masonite.
6. While this smooth, thin layer is still soft, push the hemispheres into the putty.
7. Roll more putty into thin "worms" and wrap these around the base of the "pustules." Using water and some pressure from your fingers, smooth the joins between the sides of the hemispheres and the putty base. If you've got huge fingers, try using a smooth, rounded tool, such as a pen cap.
8. Finally, press some small globs of putty into the base and, using water to keep your fingers from sticking, push your finger around as if you were making a small pit or bowl. A roll will naturally form to represent a burst pustule. Flock the base with sand, avoiding the putty areas.
1. Spray the entire piece of terrain with Chaos Black Spray Primer.
Rotting Flesh
2. Basecoat with a mix of Dwarf Flesh and Chaos Black (4:1). This will create a muddy grey color.
3. Heavily drybrush with Dwarf Flesh over the greyish basecoat.
4. Mix Dwarf Flesh with Fortress Grey and drybrush over the previous Dwarf Flesh layer.
5. Mix Skull White with Dwarf Flesh/Fortress Grey mix for a final drybrushed highlight.
6. Heavily drybrush Terracotta over the greyish basecoat. Make sure to stipple some of this color onto the rotting flesh to blend the pustules and the skin together to create the look of raw, enflamed flesh.
7. Heavily drybrush Blood Red over all the pustules and ulcers. Stop at this step for the ulcers!
8. Drybrush Golden Yellow over the Blood Red.
9. Mix Golden Yellow and Skull White together and drybrush the very tops of the pustules.
10. Paint a layer of Gloss Varnish over each of the pustules and ulcers to make them glisten.
The Base
11. Basecoat the sand with Scorched Brown. Add some random splotches of Catachan Green.
12. Drybrush Graveyard Earth over the basecoat.
13. Lightly drybrush Desert Yellow over the Graveyard Earth in random patches.
14. Pick out the small stones and rocks with a light drybrushing of Bleached Bone.


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