Using Tools
- Hobby Tools
Painting and Modeling
- Battle-Damaged Armour
- Black Power Armour
- Moria Goblins
- Scenic Bases
- Weathering Armour
Scenery and Terrain
- Bursting Pustules
- Chaotic Trees
- Derelict Whirlwind
- Ruined Jungle Pillars
- Statue on Pedestal

Tools are an essential part of painting and converting Citadel Miniatures when you stop to think about it. Plastic bits need to be freed from sprues. Mold lines have to be trimmed with a knife. Putty fills gaps, and larger models often require pinning. With these facts in mind, it's probably a good idea to know how to use a tool as well as properly care for it so it (and your fingers) will stick around for a long time to come.

These pages are not intended as the "end all, be all" of tool usage. However, you'll certainly walk away confident in the knowledge of what to do and what not to do for each tool in this article. Still, practice is the only sure way to apply your knowledge and master the workings of a hobby tool.

In addition to basic tool use guidelines, some warnings are definitely in order. Careless use of a tool can lead to serious injury. Though I consider myself a decent hobbyist, I've made many stupid mistakes and caused needless injuries. I'll dispense valuable safety tips for each tool, no matter how benign it may appear. This way, you can learn from my klutz-like nature and walk away with all your limbs and vital body fluids intact! Though some of the pictures are done in a lighthearted manner, it's not funny when an accident actually requires medical attention. So...

Please, please, please be smart and use these tools carefully – fingers are nice things to keep!

Below is a list of the eight most common hobby tools you might find in a Games Workshop fan's painting area. Simply choose one that interests you and start on the road to hobby guru status.

About the Author
Since "20 hours of Space Hulk a week" and "excellent modeling and painting skills" don't count as previous experience on most job applications, Ty Finocchiaro figured he'd better get a job with GW or end up panhandling the mean streets in a tinfoil suit. So here he is, producing great articles for Black Gobbo.

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