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Beast of Nurgle: The model is accompanied by a Beast of Nurgle. The characteristics for the Beast are shown below. The creature will attempt to remain within 2" of his master at all times. In effect the two form a special unit and must obey all the Unit Coherency rules.
Pts/base | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Beast | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 3 | D6 | 6 | 5+ |
Special Rules: The Beast of Nurgle has an Invulnerable save and D6 attacks in close combat. Roll to see how many attacks the Beast may make each time it fights a round of close combat.
Blight Grenades: These are made from the shrunken heads of those killed by Nurgle's favourite plagues. The head of the victim is filled with virulent pus and infected, biting flies and then its orifices are sealed with wax. When the grenade is thrown it splatters across the target area, forming puddles of purulent slime and noisome clouds of buzzing flies.
An enemy unit that has one or more models charged by a model armed with blight grenades suffers a -1 to hit modifier. These effects also count against Chaos models in base contact with models from the enemy unit unless they are followers of Nurgle (ie, Plague Marines, Nurgle Daemons or characters with the Mark of Nurgle). Note that the whole unit is affected, not just the troops fighting the model armed with the blight grenades. There is no additional effect if a unit is attacked by two or more models armed with these grenades.
Nurgle's Rot: After normal attacks in close combat, roll a D6 for each living model (friend or foe!) in base contact with the bearer of this gift. On a roll of 6 they contract Nurgle's Rot and suffer a single wound, with no armour save allowed. Invulnerable saves may be taken as normal. Note that this only applies to living foes, not to other Daemons, vehicles, Talos, Avatars or Wraithguard.
Plague Banner: This is a frightening creation of rotted hide flapping in a pestilent breeze. Poewrful magic holds a great spell in check within it until the time is right to send disease and decay scything through the enemy's ranks. The banner contains a potent spell of destruction which may be cast once per battle. The spell inflicts D6 wounds which may be distributed on any enemy models within 6" of the standard, but no more than 1 wound may be applied per enemy model. No armour saving throws apply. Note that this only applies to living foes, not to other Daemons, vehicles, Talos, Avatars or Wraithguard.
Plague Knife: Dripping with venomous slime, a wound from a Plague Knife will kill mortal creatures outright on a D6 roll of 6, regardless of how many wounds they have. On a roll of 1-5 it merely causes 1 wound. Note that this only applies to mortal foes, not to other Daemons, vehicles, Talos, Avatars or Wraithguard.
Plague Sword: The Plague Sword drips with venomous slime. No armour saves are allowed against wounds inflicted by a Plague Sword. In addition, a wound from this weapon will kill mortal creatures outright on a D6 roll of 4 or more, regardless of how many wounds they have. On a roll of 1-3 the Plague Sword only causes 1 wound. Note that this only applies to mortal foes, not to other Daemons, vehicles, Talos, Avatars or Wraithguard.
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