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The galaxy is filled with all manner of plague and pestilence. Diseases and infections are serious concerns for Acolytes operating in the Calixis Sector. Each disease is unique, and curing them is often of the utmost importance.
Virulence Rating: This is the severity of the disease. Each level of Virulence past the first imposes a cumulative -10 modifier on any Toughness or Medicae Tests made to resist or cure the disease.
Incubation Period: This is the length of time it takes for the disease to go from one stage to the next.
Characteristic Damage: This is the Characteristic that suffers damage as a result of the disease.
A character may attempt a Extended Care Medicae Test (see page 104 of the Dark Heresy Rulebook) to counter the effects of the infection once per stage. Any character that has prolonged exposure to an infected character should be required to make an Initial Contact Test (at the GM's discretion). A character that has been infected with a disease cannot contract the same disease again.
Name | Virulence Rating | Incubation Period | Characteristic Damage | Effect |
Bone Ague | 2 | 2 days | Strength or Weapon Skill | The victim's bones painfully twist and warp. Strenous exertion becomes increasingly difficult. |
Creeping Buboes | 3 | 4 days | Fellowship | This disease manifests as hideous and painful sores, bursting with black, foul-smelling bile. |
Eye Rot | 2 | 3 days | Perception or Ballistic Skill | The character's eyes fill with liquid, blurring and distorting vision. |
Ochre Pox | 3 | 5 hours | Toughness | This pox causes ochre brown spots and pulsating pimples. |
Grey Fever | 1 | 1 week | Intelligence or Willpower | There are no visible outward signs of this plague, but the unfortunate character's brain begins to waste away. |
The Shakes | 2 | 1 day | Agility | This disease causes uncontrollable shaking fits. |
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