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Sources of Information

Much has been written on Nurgle and his followers in a wide variety of books and magazines. Here are some text extracts for use as a reference source.

FantasyWHFB1985-11The Third Citadel CompendiumPlague Elemental
FantasyWFRP1986-11Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (1st ed)Chaos Gods, Mabrothrax, Gem of Nurgle, Jonas Whitespore, Beasts of Nurgle, Nurgle's Rot, Plague Bearer
BothMixed1988-10Realm of Chaos: Slaves to DarknessChaos, the Horus Heresy, the Black Legion
BothMixed1988-10White Dwarf 106 (Oct 1988)Beastmen of Nurgle
Bothn/a1988-12White Dwarf 108 (Dec 1988)Artwork
Sci-fiEpic1988-12Adeptus TitanicusLegio Mortis
BothMixed1989-01White Dwarf 109 (Jan 1989)Great Unclean Ones
FantasyMixed1989-05White Dwarf 113 (May 1989)Chaos Powers and the Colours of Magic
BothMixed1989-06White Dwarf 114 (Jun 1989)Bilerot Vomitflesh (Blood Bowl), Palanquins of Nurgle
Sci-fiEpic1989-10Space MarineHorus Heresy, Garro, Legio Mortis, Death Guard
BothMixed1989-11White Dwarf 119 (Nov 1989)Nurgle, Great Unclean Ones, Plaguebearers, Nurglings, Beasts
Sci-fiEpic1989-12Codex TitanicusLegio Mortis
BothMixed1990-01White Dwarf 121 (Jan 1990)Gifts, Spells, Nurgle's Rot, Palanquin, Staff, Death Head, Hemler Rottingflesh (Advanced Heroquest)
BothMixed1990-02White Dwarf 122 (Feb 1990)Symbols of Nurgle
BothMixed1990-04White Dwarf 124 (Apr 1990)Lothar Bubonicus, Pestigor
FantasyMixed1990-05White Dwarf 125 (May 1990)Plague Daemon (Warhammer Novel), 'Eavy Metal
BothMixed1990-11Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the DamnedNurgle, Great Unclean Ones, Plaguebearers, Nurglings, Beasts, Spells, Nurgle's Rot, Palanquin, Staff, Death Head, Gifts, Monoliths, Dark Tongue, Lothar Bubonicus, Pestigor, Primarchs, Army Lists, Mortarion
Sci-fiEpic1990-12White Dwarf 132 (Dec 1990)Great Unclean Ones, Plaguebearers, Beasts, Nurglings
Sci-fiEpic1992-04RenegadesNurgle, Great Unclean Ones, Mortarion, Plaguebearers, Beasts
FantasyMan O' War1993-08Plague FleetNurgle Fleet, Plagueship, Plaguecrusher, scenario, rewards, magic
Sci-fiWH40k1993-10Warhammer 40,000 (1993)Great Unclean Ones, Nurglings, Plaguebearers, Beasts, Chaos Champions
Sci-fiEpic1994-07?Citadel Journal 4Nurgle Magi
Sci-fiEpic1994-10Titan LegionsLegio Mortis
FantasyBlood Bowl1995-03?Citadel Journal 8Great Unclean One, Nurgle Team Roster, Mortius
Sci-fiEpic1995-05?Citadel Journal 9Bubonis, Legion of Festering Death, Titan Attributes
BothMixed1995-12?Citadel Journal 12Nurgle War Altar, Nurgle and his Daemons, Palanquin, Plaguestrangler Vilestench, Plague Sceptre
Sci-fiNecromunda1996-02Outlanders RulebookPlague Zombies, Karloth Valois, Carrion Bats
Sci-fiWH40k1996-07Codex: Chaos (1996)Horus Heresy, Death Guard, Nurgle, Great Unclean Ones, Nurglings, Plaguebearers, Beasts, Equipment, Foulspawn
Sci-fiWH40k1996-09?Citadel Journal 17Pestilaan, Blessing of Nurgle, Plaguesword
FantasyBlood Bowl1996-11?Citadel Journal 18Nurgle's Rotters
Sci-fiEpic1997-04Epic 40,000Contagion, Plague Tower
Sci-fiMixed1997-08?Citadel Journal 21Chaos Cultist Covens (Necromunda), Plague Marines
FantasyBlood Bowl1998-04Citadel Journal 25Bilerot Vomitflesh
Sci-fiWH40k1998-06?Citadel Journal 26Ergr'ech Ar'gruag'ach
FantasyWHFB1998-08?Citadel Journal 27Plaguestrangler Vilestench
Sci-fiWH40k1998-10?Citadel Journal 28Festasmus the Putrid
Sci-fiWH40k1999-02Codex: Chaos Space Marines (1999)Great Unclean Ones, Plague Marines, Plaguebearers, Nurglings, Gifts, Stream of Corruption, Death Guard
FantasyMixed1999-05?Citadel Journal 32Nurgling Cheerleaders (Blood Bowl), Palanquin
Sci-fiWH40k2001-07Chapter Approved 2001Colathrax, Nurgling infestations
Sci-fiWH40k2002-01White Dwarf 265 (Jan 2002)The Death Guard, Captain Garro
Sci-fiWH40k2002-01?Citadel Journal 48Lothar Bubonicus
Sci-fiWH40k2002-10Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2002)Horus Heresy, Great Unclean Ones, Obliterators, Plague Marines, Plaguebearers, Nurglings, Nurgle, Gifts, Powers, Death Guard, Typhus
Sci-fiBFG2002-11?Battlefeet Gothic Magazine 12Nurgle appeals chart
Sci-fiWH40k2003-??Codex: Eye of Terror13th Black Crusade, Plague Zombies
Sci-fiWH40k2003-??Chapter Approved 2004Sons of Antaeus
Sci-fiBFG2003-08?Battlefeet Gothic Magazine 16Typhus' Plaguefleet
FantasyWHFB2003-08Warhammer Armies: Beasts of ChaosNurgle, Gorsqualor, Plaguebulls, Beasts, Pestigor, Plague Chalice, Rurkhar Festigor, Dark Tongue, Lore of Nurgle
FantasyMordheim2004-01The Empire in FlamesThe Carnival of Chaos
Sci-fiWH40k2005-03Ravenor ReturnedHooktors
Sci-fiWH40k2007-03Imperial Armour 5: The Siege of Vraks 1Mamon
Sci-fiWH40k2007-09Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2007)Nurgle, Garro, Death Guard, Legio Mortis, Lords of Decay, the Reborn, Typhus, the Cleaved, the Purge, Plaguebringer
Sci-fiRPG: DH2007-09Shattered HopePlaguebearer
Sci-fiWH40k2007-10Imperial Armour: Apocalypse (2007)Scabeiathrax
Sci-fiRPG: DH2008-01Dark Heresy (1st ed)Nurgle, Plaguebearers
Sci-fiWH40k2008-05Codex: Chaos Daemons (2008)Nurgle, Great Unclean Ones, Plaguebearers, Beasts, Nurglings, Ku'gath, Epidemius, Isha
Sci-fiWH40k2008-07Imperial Armour 6: The Siege of Vraks 2Chaos forces
Sci-fiRPG: DH2008-12Disciples of the Dark GodsThe Vile Savants, Plague Zombies
Sci-fiRPG: DH2009-02Creatures AnathemaNurglings
Sci-fiWH40k2009-04Imperial Armour 7: The Siege of Vraks 3Chaos forces, Necrosius, Blight Drones, Jibberjaw, Scabeiathrax, Mamon, Plague Marines
Sci-fiRPG: RT2009-10Rogue TraderNurgle
Sci-fiRPG: DH2009-11The Radical's HandbookPsychic Power, Daemon Weapon
Sci-fiRPG: RT2011-03Battlefleet KoronusPestilaan Light Cruiser
Sci-fiRPG: DW2011-05Mark of the XenosGreat Unclean Ones, Plaguebearers, Plague Marines, Plague Marine Weapons, Nurgle's Rot
Sci-fiRPG: DH2011-06Daemon HunterThe Purging of Camp 109, Daemons, Daemonic Phenomena, Nurgle, Gifts, Nurglings, Beasts of Nurgle, Plaguesword
Sci-fiRPG: RT2011-08Citadel of SkullsNurglings
Sci-fiRPG: DW2011-09The Achilus AssaultVenkrous, Daemon Prince Mephidast
Sci-fiRPG: BC2011-09Black CrusadeNurgle, Death Guard, Death Priests, Weapons, Psychic Powers, the Writhing World, Mire, Vorxec Calvarius, Plaguebearers, Great Unclean Ones
Sci-fiRPG: BC2011-09The Game Master's KitPyurultide
Sci-fiRPG: DW2011-11First FoundingDeath Guard, Blight-master Ussax
Sci-fiRPG: BC2012-01Hand of CorruptionPlaguebearer Skarathaoritx
Sci-fiRPG: DW2012-02The Jericho ReachPlague Cauldrons of the Stigmartus
Sci-fiRPG: DW2012-05Rising TempestPlaguebearers, Nurglings, Ghulroth the Slaverer
Sci-fiRPG: RT2012-07The Koronus BestiaryBeasts
Sci-fiWH40k2012-07Imperial Armour: AeronauticaBlight Drones
Sci-fiRPG: BC2012-08The Tome of FateTzeentch vs Nurgle, Psychic Powers, Personal Goals
Sci-fiWH40k2012-10Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2012)Death Guard, Garro, Legio Mortis, Company of Misery, the Cleaved, the Purge, the Grey Death, Plague Marines, Typhus, Plague Knife, Blight Grenades, Icon of Despair, Palanquin, Powers
Sci-fiRPG: RT2012-11The Navis PrimerThe Carrier, Daemon Techniques, Plaguebearers
Sci-fiRPG: BC2012-12The Tome of BloodPersonal Goals
Sci-fiWH40k2013-01Codex: Dark Angels (2013)Seption Prime, Death Guard, Brotherhood of Plague, Loathsome Pox, Gronmoth, the Cleaved
Sci-fiRPG: RT2013-01Stars of InequityPlague Toads
Sci-fiWH40k2013-03Codex: Chaos Daemons (2013)Nurgle, Great Unclean Ones, Plaguebearers, Beasts, Plague Drones, Nurglings, Ku'gath, Epidemius, Weapons, Attributes, Banner, Psychic Powers
Sci-fiRPG: BC2013-05The Tome of ExcessSacred Numbers, Glorifying Acts, Personal Goals
Sci-fiRPG: OW2013-06Enemies of the ImperiumSisk (Malaghent), Mark of Nurgle
Sci-fiWH40k2013-12Stronghold AssaultThe Fellguard Incident
Sci-fiWH40k2014-03Codex: Imperial Knights (2014)Legio Mortis, Great Unclean One
Sci-fiWH40k2014-03Dataslate: HelbrutesDeath Guard Helbrutes
Sci-fiWH40k2014-04Codex: Militarum Tempestus (2014)The Purge, Company of Misery
Sci-fiRPG: BC2014-07The Tome of DecayNurgle, Great Unclean Ones, Daemon Princes, Plaguebearers, Heralds, Beasts, Plague Drones, Nurglings, Plague Marines, Mutants, Cults, Death Guard, Writhing World Sorcerer-Kings, Death Priests of Mire, Plaguemeisters, Equipment, Daemonic Engine Traits, Gifts, Crusades, Pyurultide, Pox Tribes, Plague Ogryns, Blight Drones, the Entomancer, Guelph, Plague Towers, the Writhing World, Huskmen, Hindrance, Mire, Priornites, Lutomorbus, Abcellyoth, the Thanator, Foulspawn, Personal Goals
Sci-fiRPG: DH2014-08Dark Heresy (2nd ed)Nurgle, Callers of Sorrow, Nurgle's Rot, Achkovas Spengh, Plaguebearers, Nurglings, Putricifex, Chaos Furies
Sci-fiRPG: DH2014-08Game Master's Kit (2nd ed)Ferrue Fayne, Blessed Flesh, Tormus Fayne, Callers of Sorrow, Nurgle's Rot, Aynthrexes, the Inevitable Order
Sci-fiWH40k2014-10Imperial Armour 13: War Machines of the Lost and the DamnedChaos vehicles, Blight Drones, Plague Hulk, Plague Zombies, Mamon, Scabeiathrax
Sci-fiRPG: DH2014-11Forgotten GodsCallers of Sorrow, Mournful Song, Tormus Fayne
Sci-fiRPG: DH2015-04Enemies WithinEmergent Hand
Sci-fiWH40k2015-05Codex: Imperial Knights (2015)Great Unclean One, Legio Mortis
Sci-fiRPG: DH2016-01Enemies BeyondCursed Carillon, Weapon Attributes, Daemonic Pacts, Tuchulcha, Beasts, Plague Drones, Heralds, Great Unclean Ones, Nurgle Daemons
Sci-fiWH40k2016-05Codex: Chaos Daemons (2016)Tallyband, Rotswarm, Warlord Traits, Hellforged Artefacts, Psychic Powers, Tactical Objective
Sci-fiWH40k2016-12Codex Supplement: Traitor LegionsDeath Guard, Mortarion, Typhus, Artefacts, Army List, Tactical Objectives, Psychic Powers
Sci-fiWH40k2017-06Warhammer 40,000 (2017)Nurgle, Death Guard, Ultramar, Fall of Cadia, War in the Rift
Sci-fiWH40k2017-06Dark ImperiumDeath Guard, Lords of Contagion, Noxious Blightbringers, Malignant Plaguecasters, Plague Marines, Foetid Bloat-drones, Poxwalkers, Tainted Sons, other Death Guard vectoriums
Sci-fiWH40k2017-06Index: ChaosDeath Guard, Psychic Powers, Nurgle, Epidemius, Great Unclean Ones, Plaguebearers, Plague Zombies, Poxwalkers
Sci-fiWH40k2017-07First StrikeDeath Guard, Nurgle
Sci-fiWH40k2017-07Codex: Space Marines (2017)The Plague Wars
Sci-fiWH40k2017-08Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2017)Death Guard, Garro, the Judged, the Purge, Bringers of Decay, Company of Misery, the Cleaved, the Grey Death, Deathmongers, Chaos Lords, Plague Marines, Plaguebearers, Stratagems, Powers, Puscleaver
Sci-fiWH40k2017-08Codex: Grey Knights (2017)Mortarion, Death Guard, Nurgle Daemons
FantasyAOS2017-09BlightwarNurgle, Horticulous Slimux, Befouling Host, Plaguebearers, Plague Drones, Nurglings
Sci-fiWH40k2017-09The Plague BrethrenDeath Guard, the Blight Stalker, Dipteron, Corpulux
Sci-fiWH40k2017-09Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus (2017)The War of Slime and Metal
Sci-fiWH40k2018-01Codex: Chaos Daemons (2018)Nurgle, Plague Legions, Septicus, Septicus Legion, Great Unclean Ones, Rotigus, Poxbringers, Sloppity Bilepipers, Spoilpox Scriveners, Epidemius, Horticulous Slimux, Plaguebearers, Plagueswords, Nurglings, Beasts of Nurgle, Plague Drones, Locus of Virulence, Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Artefacts, Psychic Powers, Tactical Objective
FantasyAOS2018-01Malign Portents websiteHorticulous Slimux, Weeping Ague, Rotigus, Lord Slougous
Sci-fiWH40k2018-03Codex: T'au Empire (2018)Death Guard
Sci-fiWH40k2018-11Tales from Vigilus webpagesDeath Guard
Sci-fiWH40k2019-02Horus Heresy 54: The Buried DaggerHouse Zegenda
Sci-fiWH40k2019-05The Dolorous StrainTainted Sons
Sci-fiWH40k2023-03Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - The Burning of Ohmn-MatÆtheric Dominions