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Ravenor Returned

Ravenor Returned is the second novel in Dan Abnett's excellent trilogy of Warhammer 40,000 stories about Imperial Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor, following Ravenor and completed by Ravenor Rogue. Most of the Chaotic elements are deliberately not described as being aligned to any particular Ruinous Power, and are open to interpretation; consider for example the Divine Fratery that exhibit Nurglesque elements in their suffering of disease and at least one instance of instigating a plague, but at the same time are concerned with the Tzeentchian machinations of fate and foretelling the future. However there is one instance in this book that explicitly calls out Nurgle:

p405 — Part Three, Chapter Nine

Leyla Slade pulled out her custom handgun and fired six times, not at the oncoming daemon, but at the dais stage in front of it. As each specialised bullet impacted, there was a burst of green vapour.

The hooktors bubbled into being. Six of them, each one twice the size of a large man, released from their bondage in the painstakingly engraved bullets.

They were slaughter-daemons of Nurgle, mindless warp-forms of immense physical power, each one a noxious, sticky cluster of diseased eyes, bulging from a swollen, panting body sack of reptile flesh and pulsing viscera. The hooktors moved on tripods of long, membranous limbs, like the furled wings of ancient flying lizards. Each limb culminated in a huge, hooked toenail, a hoof-claw as heavy and grey as stone.

They made their terrible gibbering. The wretched faecal stink of them filled the air. Thumping forward on their hideous toenails, they attacked Carl with unthinking frenzy.