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Inquisitor Cut-ups

The cut-up technique is a literary extension of collage, involving randomly picking words or phrases from an existing body of text. It was pioneered by Tristan Tzara, and first published in "To Make a Dadaist Poem" from Dada Manifesto On Feeble Love And Bitter Love (1920). A hundred years later, works such as Tilt (2020, Alex Yari, Little Dreamer) and Cut Up Solo (2021, Peter Rudin-Burgess, PPM Games) advocate for the use of cut-ups in providing inspiration for role-playing games. The Dark Heresy role-playing game is set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe and has the player characters in the role of acolytes working for the Inquisition. Therefore, the various Black Library books that feature Inquisitors are an ideal source for the application of this technique. This page generates sets of random snippets from the following series:

tearing the jewelled tubes from
scholastical gentlemen there at this
the warp." He looked directly
the highway. Occasionally one would
had entered Googol’s voice. The
+Please be careful. It would
the Deathwatch kill team Grynner
you're the Mechanicus drone who
different. ‘Enough fire to burn
too often, human beings showed
the leg of his trousers.
escape chamber: Death’s the Destination!
the evil of the Eye
a start. If one of
asked. Verren shook his head
had been rooted out a
came. The Inquisition - and many
mountains limned with lurid spots
a stub gun. A bullet
hour or so the pale
beyond the measure of a
metres, catching air to slow
I celebrate it.’ Worna shrugged.
to Melmoth’s World, where he
Grimm was still missing. ‘Shall
first of the open portals,
first set of stairs without
around the cables that had
a big brute wearing carapace
spiritual warfare against the Ruinous