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White Dwarf 125 (May 1990), p10 — Plague Daemon

WFRP characters by Andy Warwick, Border Princes background taken from the novel Plague Daemon by Brian Craig

This article takes the major characters from Games Workshop's latest novel, Plague Daemon by Brian Craig, and presents them as Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay characters to use in your games.

The statistics given here are for the characters as they appear at the start of the novel, before any of the events described take place. This is because not all of the characters survive. To find out who survives and who doesn't you'll have to read the novel!

The Border Princes

The Minstrel Orfeo, guest of Alkadi Nasreen, Caliph of Arjijil, begins the tale of Harmis Detz and his battle against Chaos with an introduction to the Border Princes and Harmis' home, the city of Khypris. (An extract from Brian Craig's new Warhammer novel, Plague Daemon.)

"You will have heard, my lord, of a region to the east of the Tilean city-states, divided from them by the Apuccini mountains, which is sometimes known as the land of the Border Princes. It has the Black Mountains to the north, the mountains of the World's Edge to the east, and the Black Gulf to the south, so that it forms a wide rectangle which is virtually cut off from what we would reckon the civilized world.


"Nowhere is the land of the Border Princes very fertile; much of it is wilderness, and even in the valleys where its life-giving rivers run the soil is often very poor. Its woodlands, such as they are, consist in the main of short and thorny trees which usually form a thick and impenetrable undergrowth. The eastern princedoms are perennially plagued by unruly goblins, and in many of the hilly regions there are bands of creatures called mutants, which some people believe - wrongly, I am certain - to be half-castes birthed by human women who have been impregnated by daemons. The presence of such quarrelsome and nasty creatures makes order very difficult to maintain, and it must often be dearly bought by the ruthlessness of princes and their men-at-arms.