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A Nurgle Lexicon

Here's a big list of words that relate in some way to the minions of Nurgle. There are terms relating to decay, disease, ruin, as well as other characteristic features such as horns, bells, bodily functions, fungi, vermin, twilight, swamps, fog, gardening, and the two extremes of joy and despair, all of which are present among Nurgle's favoured children. Use these as inspiration for naming your own units and individuals.

Try playing around with different forms of the words, or finding interesting contrasts. For example, I particularly like the homophones "tocsin"/"toxin" and "retch"/"wretch", the various meanings of "humour", contrasting "infect"/"infest", "grim"/"grime", "lesion"/"legion", "septic"/"septimal", or considering that "weep" may relate to crying in despair as well as seepage from an infection.

For ease of use, here are three words randomly generated from the list below; refresh the page to generate a new trio:

sunset diehard anomalous

Each word below is hyperlinked to its corresponding definition at Wiktionary, in case there are some terms here that are unfamiliar to you. British English spellings are used throughout, since that is the language of Games Workshop and Warhammer.

aberrant, abetalipoproteinemia, abhorrent, abominable, acantharian, acceptance, acedia, acerbic, ache, acrid, abide, abscess, abnormal, absorb, acne, acrid, acromegaly, adamant, adenoma, adenopathy, adipose, aegilops, aerugo, afflict, aflatoxin, agaricomycete, agitate, agnogenic, agony, ague, ailment, alack, alas, alastrim, alphos, amaas, amanita, amurcous, ancient, anergy, angina, angst, anguish, ankylosis, anomalous, anthrax, antler, anus, anxiety, apathy, aphyllophoroid, apoptosis, appall, apprehension, arithmomania, arse, arthralgia, arthrosis, ascochyta, ascomycete, aspergillus, asshole, atrabilious, atrophy, atter, awful, awkward, bacillus, bacteraemia, bacterium, baleful, bane, banjax, bariatric, barren, base, basidiomycete, batrachoid, bedraggled, befoul, bejel, belch, beldame, belesh, bell, belly, besmirch, bile, bilharzia, biliverdin, biostratinomy, bitter, blackhead, blackleg, blasé, blasted, blastocladiomycete, bleak, bleb, blemish, blet, blight, blister, bloat, blob, blotch, blubber, boak, bog, bogalosha, bogey, boggard, boil, bolete, bordetella, boredom, borrelia, botfly, botrytis, bottom, botulism, bowels, brackish, brooding, brucellosis, bruise, brume, brutal, bubble, bubo, bug, bulbous, bulge, bulk, bulla, bum, bunt, burble, burp, burrow, burst, buttocks, buzz, cachexia, cadaver, caecotroph, calamity, caliginous, campane, campylobacter, cancer, candida, canker, capsid, carbuncle, carcass, carcinogenesis, carcinoma, caries, carillon, carnival, carrion, catarrh, catatonia, cep, cercosporoid, certain, cesspit, cesspool, chaetothyrialean, chafe, chaga, chalara, chancroid, charnel, cheerful, cheerless, chigger, chiggoe, chikungunya, chalice, chime, chlamydia, choke, cholera, chondrosarcoma, chortle, chronic, chrysosporium, chthonophagia, chubby, chunky, churn, chyme, chytridiomycosis, cicatrix, cimmerian, circle, ciron, clammy, clavicipitoid, cloaca, clonus, clostridium, clot, cloud, cloven, cloy, clumsy, coagulate, coagulopathy, coccidiosis, coccus, cockroach, codon, coleopter, colonic, colorectal, coma, comedo, commode, complaint, compost, compulsion, condemned, congeal, conk, constant, constipation, consumption, contagion, contaminate, contempt, contentment, convulse, copperworm, coprophage, cordyceps, cornigerous, coronach, corpse, corpulent, corrigiunculum, corrosion, corruption, cough, cramp, crap, crawl, creep, cremor, crepuscular, crisis, crusty, cry, cryptococcosis, curdle, curmur, curse, cyanobacterium, cyanopathy, cycle, cycloplegia, cynic, cyst, cytopathy, damage, damned, dank, dark, daunt, dauntless, deadly, death, deathwatch, debased, decay, decompose, decrepit, defecate, defect, defile, deformed, degenerate, degrade, dehiscence, dejection, deleterious, deliquesce, deplete, depression, deranged, dermatophyte, desolate, despair, despicable, despondency, destruction, deteriorate, determined, detestable, detrimental, detritovore, detritus, devour, diabetes, diaphoretic, diarrhoea, dichuchwa, diehard, dilapidated, dim, dingy, diphtheria, dirge, dirt, disarray, discharge, discomfort, disease, disfigured, disgorge, disgraceful, disgust, disheartenment, dismal, dismay, disorder, disquietude, disrepair, distasteful, distemper, distended, distorted, distress, disturb, diuresis, dogged, doldrums, doleful, dolorous, doom, dothideomycete, dour, draff, drain, dread, dreary, dregs, dribble, drip, droff, drone, drool, droop, dropsy, dross, drudgery, dull, dump, dung, dusk, dust-brand, dysbiosis, dysentery, dysfunction, dysplasia, dyspnea, earthstar, earthtongue, ebullient, ecchymosis, echinococcosis, ecthyma, eczema, effluent, effluvium, efflux, elegy, elephantiasis, embolus, emesis, emission, empty, encephaloid, encephalopathy, enchondroma, encrusted, end, endometrioma, endurance, energetic, engulf, ennui, enteritis, enterococcus, enthusiasm, entrails, entropy, epidemic, epizootic, ergot, erosion, eruct, erysipelas, erythema, euascomycete, eumycete, eurotiomycete, eurysome, evenfall, evil, excrement, excrete, execrable, exhaust, expectorate, expire, extrusion, exuberance, exudate, faeces, family, famine, fart, fat, fatal, fatberg, father, fatigue, fault, favus, fear, fearless, febrile, feculent, fecund, feist, fen, fertiliser, fervent, fester, fever, final, filariasis, filth, fissiped, fissure, flab, flaccid, flatulence, flatus, flatworm, flaw, flea, fleabitten, fleshy, flow, flu, flukeworm, fly, flyblown, flystrike, foetid, foetor, fog, fomite, footslog, forlorn, forsaken, fossor, foul, foxfire, frambesia, fray, fret, frightful, fruitful, fug, funereal, fungus, furuncle, fusarium, futility, gadfly, gag, gaiety, gall, galumph, gangosa, gangrene, gape, garden, gas, gasp, gassy, gasteroid, gastropodous, gel, generosity, germ, ghastly, ghoulish, giardiasis, gibbous, girus, glaucoma, glisten, gloaming, globule, gloom, gloop, glop, glum, glut, glutinous, gluttony, gnarled, gobble, goitre, gold-finder, gongfermor, gongpit, gonorrhoea, goo, gorge, gound, gout, graceless, grame, granuloma, gravedigger, grease, green, grief, grievance, grim, grime, gripe, groan, grobian, gross, grotesque, grotty, growth, grub, grubby, grumble, guffaw, gulp, gunge, gunk, gurgle, gurn, gush, guts, haemorrhage, haemorrhoid, hag, happiness, hardheaded, hardship, harmful, harrow, harsh, harvest, hateful, headstrong, healless, heave, hebdomad, helicobacter, helminthiasis, hepatoma, hepatoptosis, hepatosis, heptad, herpes, hideous, hidrotic, hirudine, hives, hoary, hoe, hollow, homobasidiomycete, hopelessness, horned, horrid, horrible, horror, horsefly, horticulture, hum, humour, humus, hurt, hydnoid, hydrops, hymenomycete, hypocrealean, ichor, ichthyosis, icterus, idiopathic, ignoble, ill-fated, ill-omened, illness, imbalance, immoveable, impair, impetigo, implacable, impure, inannihilable, inauspicious, incurable, indifferent, indolent, ineradicable, inevitable, inexorable, infect, inferior, infest, infirmity, inflame, influenza, iniquity, injury, innards, inoperative, insalubrious, insect, insensate, insensitive, intestines, intractable, inveterate, irksome, irritant, ischemia, itch, jaded, jaundice, jollity, jovial, joy, karoshi, karyorrhexis, kedani, khazi, knell, knurled, konzo, koro, kuru, lackadaisical, laggard, lament, languor, larva, lassitude, lasting, latrine, lavatory, laxative, lazar, leak, leech, legionella, leprosy, leprous, leptospire, lesion, lethal, lethargy, lethera, leukaemia, leukopenia, lice, lich, lichenification, limp, lirula, listeria, listless, livedo, loathsome, lockjaw, loimic, loo, lorchel, lord, lost, louse, lowly, luetic, lugubrious, lumbering, lumbricine, lumpen, lurch, lurgy, lymphoma, lysis, macabre, macrofungus, maggot, malady, malaise, malakoplakia, malaria, malefic, malevolent, malformed, malfunction, malicious, malignant, malodorous, mange, mar, marcid, marsh, maw, measles, melancholy, melanogaster, melanoma, mephitic, mere, merry, mesel, metastasis, miasma, microbe, micturate, midden, midge, mildew, miliaria, misery, misshapen, mist, mire, mirth, misery, mite, moan, moniliasis, monocular, monstrous, moody, mope, morass, morbid, morbilli, morel, moribund, mormal, morose, morphea, morphew, mortality, mortification, mossy, mould, mourn, mow, mucilaginous, muck, mucopurulent, mucoromycete, mucus, mud, mulch, mulish, mumps, murky, muscid, musty, mutter, mycelium, mycobacterium, mycoplasm, mycotoxin, myelitis, myiasis, myolysis, naegleriasis, nausea, necrology, necrophore, necrotic, nefarious, neglect, neutropenia, nightbreak, nightfall, nightman, nightmare, nightshade, nightsoil, nigua, nihilistic, nisus, njovera, nodule, noisome, noma, noxious, numb, numerology, obdurate, obesity, obnoxious, obscene, obsessive, obstinate, obstipate, odious, odour, oedema, offal, offensive, oidium, ominous, oncogene, ooze, ordure, ort, outbreak, outcast, outflow, outhouse, overripe, overweight, overwhelm, pain, palanquin, pale, pall, pallid, palsy, pandemic, pang, panus, papule, parasite, paroxysm, pasty, paternalistic, pathogen, pathosis, patient, paunch, peal, pébrine, peevish, pepperbrand, perish, persevere, persistent, perspiration, pertinacious, perturb, perverse, pestiferous, pestilence, petasius, petechia, peziza, phage, phlegm, phlegmon, phrynoderma, phthisic, phycomycete, phyma, pica, pimple, pinta, piss, pitted, plague, plaque, platyhelminth, pleiad, pleosporalean, plethoric, plodding, plop, plumbism, plump, pneumonia, podge, poikiloderma, poison, pollute, polycythemia, polyp, polypore, polyuria, ponderous, pong, poo, poorly, pop, porcini, porphyria, portly, pox, preternatural, privy, proboscis, prodrome, profane, propionibacterium, protuberant, prurigo, pruritus, pseudomonad, pseudovariola, psoriasis, puffball, puke, pulsate, pungent, punishment, pupa, purge, purpura, purulent, pus, pustule, putrefaction, putrescence, putrescible, putrid, pyknosis, pyogenic, pyometra, pyorrhoea, pyrenomycete, pyrexia, quag, queasiness, querulous, quinsy, rabble, rabies, rachitic, raddled, ragged, ramshackle, rancid, rank, rankle, rash, rat, reap, rebirth, rectum, reek, refuse, regret, regurgitate, relentless, remain, remorseless, repellent, reprehensible, repugnance, repulsive, requiem, resentful, residue, resilient, resistant, resolute, retch, reviling, revolting, rheum, rickettsia, ridden, riddled, ringworm, ripe, riven, robust, roiling, rosacea, roseola, rot, rotund, rubeola, rue, ruin, rupture, rust, sad, sag, saliva, sallow, salmonella, sappy, saprobe, saprophyte, saprotroph, sarcoma, scab, scabious, scabies, scabrous, scat, scathel, scatophage, scavenge, schistosomiasis, sclerosis, scorbutus, scourge, scratch, screwworm, scrofulous, scrumpox, scum, scurvy, scuzzy, scythe, sebaceous, sebacinoid, seborrhoea, sebum, secrete, seep, sennight, septic, septimal, septoria, sepulchral, serous, severe, sewage, shabaroon, shabby, shamble, shameful, shigellosis, shingles, shit, shrivel, sibbens, sickle, sickness, signum, silage, skitters, slaver, slime, slob, slobber, slop, sloth, slough, slovenly, slow, slubberdegullion, sludge, slug, slugabed, sluggish, slummock, slurp, slurry, smear, smell, smokefall, smut, snail, snath, sneeze, sniffle, snot, sob, soiled, solemn, sombre, sordariomycete, sordid, sore, sorrow, sour, spasm, spavin, spawn, spew, spinnbarkeit, spit, spite, spittle, splanchnic, splat, spoil, spore, spurt, sputum, squalor, squash, squat, squelch, squidge, squilla, squirm, squirt, stagnant, stain, stale, stalwart, stamina, staphylococcus, staunch, steadfast, steatopygian, stench, stenocardia, sticky, stillness, stink, stodge, stoic, stool, stout, strain, strangury, streptococcus, stress, stricken, strongyloidiasis, struma, stubborn, sty, stye, stygian, sudor, suffer, sulk, sullen, sully, sump, sunder, sunset, superspreader, suppurant, survivor, swallow, swamp, swarm, sweat, swell, swill, swinebread, symptom, syphilis, tabanid, taciturn, taint, tally, tapeworm, taphonomy, tardigradous, tarnish, tatterdemalion, tatters, tedium, telangiectasia, tenacious, tendril, tenebrous, tentacular, teredo, terminal, terrible, terror, testudineous, tetanus, thole, threadbare, threadworm, threnody, thrombocytopaenia, thrombus, thwart, tic, tick, tinea, tinniolum, tinnitus, tintinnabulum, tiresome, toad, toadstool, tocsin, toilet, toll, torment, torsalo, toughness, toxin, toxoplasmosis, trachoma, trauma, tremella, treponema, trichina, trichoderm, trichomoniasis, trichophyte, trichuriasis, trismus, trub, trudge, truffle, trypanosome, tsetse, tsutsugamushi, tubby, tubercle, tularemia, tumbledown, tummy, tumour, tungiasis, turban-top, turbid, turd, twilight, typhoid, typhus, tzaraath, ugly, ulcer, unclean, undying, uneasy, ungulate, unhallowed, unhappiness, unhealthy, unholy, unhygienic, unimpressed, uninterested, unkempt, unnatural, unpleasant, unquiet, unrelenting, unsavoury, unsettle, unshakeable, unstoppable, unwashed, unwell, unwholesome, unworthy, unyielding, urceolarian, urine, urticaria, ustilago, vaginosis, valetudinarian, vapour, varicosity, variola, vector, vehement, verdant, verdigris, vermian, vermiculation, vermin, verruca, vesicate, vesper, vex, vibrio, vigour, vile, vinew, virescent, virid, virion, virosis, virulence, virus, viscera, viscid, vitiligo, void, vomit, vulgar, waddle, wail, wallow, wan, warped, wart, waste, wasting, wattle, wayward, weaken, weary, weed, weep, weltschmerz, wheal, wheeze, whimper, whine, whipworm, whitehead, whitepox, whitlow, wicked, wilful, wilt, wind, wither, witkop, wizen, woe, woodworm, worm, worn, worry, wretch, wriggle, writhe, yaws, yersinia, yuck, zika, zit, zombie, zoster, zygomycosis