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In the Warhammer 40,000 setting, an Icon of Seeping Decay is a symbol of Nurgle's might, appearing in Fantasy Flight Games' Black Crusade role-playing game.
Once-proud banners, badges, or other mighty totems of faith, the Icons of Seeping Decay have long since lost any regal visage and instead drip with the corruption of Nurgle, slowing those that would stand against him and strengthening those that walk the path of filth. An Icon of Seeping Decay is a large Icon and must either be carried in one hand or affixed to a sturdy backpack.
All characters aligned to Nurgle within a number of metres equal to the Heretic's Willpower Bonus count their Agility Bonus as 1 higher and may make a Difficult (-10) Toughness Test at the start of each of their Turns to remove 1 level of Fatigue. All other characters within that area count their Agility Bonus as 1 lower (to a minimum of 1) and must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test at the start of each of their Turns or gain 1 level of Fatigue. The Icon only functions when carried by a character dedicated to Nurgle.
Name | Weight | Availability |
Icon of Seeping Decay | 7kg | Very Rare |