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Starting his life as Lothar, a mortal Champion of Nurgle from Warhammer Fantasy's Old World, this man progressed all the way to become the Daemon Prince Bubonicus. His story is given as an example of a narrative campaign and recorded upon a monolith as a testament to his worth. Following his apotheosis, the tale of Bubonicus does not end there; as a Daemon Prince he is freed from the confines of the Warhammer world and appears in the wider Warhammer 40,000 setting.
As a mortal Champion of Nurgle, he rode on a Palanquin of Nurgle.
When the Green Death raged
I swore an oath to Father Nurgle.
I bade him spare me that I might live in his service
And Father Nurgle chose me as his own.
Though all the village perished
I alone survived.
In the great forest I dwelt.
Amid the wild Beastmen, I was their shaman.
THE BEGINNING: Lothar was the only survivor of his plague-stricken village. He believed he was saved because he swore to serve Nurgle. Indeed, he survived due to his almost supernatural physical endurance. He ventured into the trackless forests and was befriended by Beastmen, who recognised him as chosen by Nurgle and accepted him as their Champion.
Nurgle blessed me with endurance.
My blood ran yellow with his power.
When the wicked ones caught me
The torturers caused me no suffering
For Nurgle lent me his great strength
And my brave followers rescued me from the stake.
BATTLE OF THE PYRE: Lothar was captured by witch hunters, tortured and tied to a stake for burning. His Beastmen followers emerged from the forest and hacked their way through the soldiers to rescue him.
Mark of Nurgle: | +1 Toughness |
Initial Attribute: | Blood Substitution - Acid Blood +1 Toughness |
Initial Followers: | 6 Beastmen |
The rot approached.
Longhorn bellowed loud in Nurgle's praise.
Five Dwarfs from the wilderness
They heard the call, and knew that they were saved
From death in the darkness of the woods.
By Nurgle's will.
TRIUMPH IN THE FORESTS: One of his Beastmen sent out a call of triumph in the forests. A band of Dwarfs, lost in the woods, made their way to the sound and, since Nurgle had saved them, they willingly joined Lothar's retinue, which now numbered 6 Beastmen and 5 Dwarfs.
First Reward: | Chaos Gift - Horrible Stench |
Follower's Reward: | Enormouse Noise for a Beastman |
New Followers: | 5 Dwarfs |
Questing knights
Slew herd-kin in the glades.
They cooked his flesh upon their fire
And Nurgle punished them with death
Save only one, robust and strong.
He called on Nurgle and so death passed him by
To serve me as my henchman
When I was consumed with the rot.
BATTLE OF THE GLADES: A band of knights slew one of Lothar's Beastmen in the forest glades and ate his flesh only to die from the infected meat of Nurgle's herd. Lothar's retinue now numbered 5 Beastmen and 4 Dwarfs, one Dwarf having been slain in battle. However one of the Knights miraculously survived his wounds, and recognising the will of Nurgle, Lothar accepted him as his personal henchman.
Second Reward: | Nurgle's Rot as a Champion of Nurgle, Lothar was not affecetd by the Rot but became a carrier |
Follower's Reward: | Hideous Appearance for a Beastman |
New Followers: | Chaos Warrior |
The lands beyond the forest were in turmoil.
Warriors stalked the land.
Nurgle prepared us for this time of strife.
Armour for Grod, my henchman; the rust that turns a blade.
For me, mites of Nurgle, my little friends, to lick my sores.
Third Reward: | Chaos Gift - Nurgling Infestation |
Follower's Reward: | Chaos Armour for the Chaos Warrior |
New Followers: | none |
Profane ones violated our sacred woods
With foul relics in their train.
Nurgle told us in the dance of flies
To purify his wilderness forthwith.
Grod, my henchman barred the way.
While Dwarfs and Beastman slew the impure ones.
Amongst the booty, a Palanquin to serve me as a mount.
For the rot was great.
AMBUSH OF THE RELICS: Lothar's retinue ambushed a band of monks escorting holy relics through the woods. They were warned in advance by observing the movements of flies, a divination technique known to Nurgle cultists. The monks were driven out and abandoned their wagons. In them Lothar found a high priests's golden Palanquin which tarnished as soon as he laid hands on it. This was seen as a great reward. Lothar's retinue was reduced to 4 Beastmen and 3 Dwarfs due to losses during the ambush.
Fourth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Palanquin |
Follower's Reward: | Skull Face for a Dwarf |
New Followers: | 5 Humans |
The peasants fled and joined my band.
Nurgle saved them from the famine and the harsh hand of man.
We sacrificed to Nurgle, I grew green in his image.
He who tilled the fields beneath the yoke
Became one who wields the wand and brings the rain.
Such is the benevolence of Father Nurgle
PEASANTS' REVOLT: Peasants living on the forest edge rebelled and fled to join Lothar's growing band. One of them turned out to be a witch. Lothar increasingly grew to resemble his master. Lothar's band now included 4 Beastmen, 3 Dwarfs, the Chaos Warrior Grod, 5 Humans wearing armour stripped from slain lords and a Human wizard.
Fifth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Hide of Nurgle |
Follower's Reward: | Multiple Rewards for the Humans |
New Followers: | 1 female Wizard of level 5 |
Into the city we came at night.
Through the sewers we were led by Nurgle's scouts.
Vermin of valour did their work well.
Now the high lords scratch and wither.
The justice of Nurgle is delivered
PLAGUE RAID ON UBERAVERGLAU: Led by Skaven into the heart of the town through the sewers, Lothar infected the castle of the prince and the houses of the rich burghers with plague in vengeance for the oppression of the peasants and the persecution of witches and Beastmen. Lothar was honoured with the Skaven title Bubonicus and his band swelled by 4 Skaven.
Sixth Reward: | Chaos Armour (Lothar's hide is now uncannily tough) |
Follower's Reward: | Overgrown Arm for Grod |
New Followers: | 4 Skaven |
I saw a vision of Nurgle's realm.
A green wood stretching as far as eyes could see
Seething with life and the drone of fat flies.
When I awoke, I saw the master's rune in snail-trails.
We followed, seeking for the runes
Until we crossed the edge of fate.
We found three herdkin and the Ogre of the hills.
But Nurgle's Steed I gave to Grod
And Nurgle strengthened his arm that he might protect me.
TREK TO THE CHAOS WASTES: Lothar, having seen a vision of the Realm of Nurgle, led his band into the Chaos Wastes by following the runes made by snails with their slime-trails. On the journey Lothar was rewarded with a Daemonic Steed which he gave to Grod, whose arm had grown out of all proportion. Lothar, confined to his Palanquin, increasingly relied on Grod to fight for him as a henchman.
Seventh Reward: | Chaos Gift - Daemonic Steed given to Grod |
Follower's Reward: | Mane of Hair for Grod |
New Followers: | 3 Beastmen and 1 Ogre |
Twice twenty years within the Wastes.
The green glades of Nurgle eluded us.
I called to Father Nurgle: are we unworthy?
Then herdkin found the scent of Nurgle's foes.
It was a time of trial
For only the strongest live to run wild in Nurgle's glades.
We slew them, a feast for the flies.
They who followed The Changer, change no more.
The slaying of exalted ones brings great reward.
Flies swarming on the blood-drenched sword
Merged with the metal.
Runes spelled its name: Plaguebiter.
The leaderless ones flocked to my fly banners
As we march to the last battle.
CLASH OF THE WARBANDS: This was undoubtedly the most decisive battle in Lothar's career. Lothar's warband clashed with an exalted Champion of Tzeentch and his retinue. Their opponent was certainly a very great Champion on the verge of Daemonhood himself. When Lothar defeated him it was also a great triumph of Nurgle over Tzeentch. In their fervent belief that Nurgle was testing them after twenty years wandering in the Wastes, Lothar's retinue fought ferociously and annihilated their foes. For this they were well rewarded. The battle was hard-won and 3 Humans were slain together with a valiant Skaven and 5 Beastmen. Grod and Lothar, high in the favour of their lord, escaped serious wounds. Lothar gathered to himself more Beastmen and hsi band was renewed in strength, now containing Grod mounted on his Steed, 9 Beastmen, 3 Dwarfs, 3 Skaven, 2 Humans, an Ogre called Skas and a witch called Utterblight.
Eighth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Rune of Nurgle |
Follower's Reward: | Horns given to Grod |
New Followers: | none |
Ninth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Daemon Weapon in which a Plaguebearer is locked |
Follower's Reward: | Plague creeps over Grod's Steed |
New Followers: | 7 Beastmen |
The green glades of Nurgle
Seething with growth and the drone of fat flies.
Beastmen gasping to drink the sweet green waters.
They who dared to bar our way
We slew them; to Plaguebiter they fell.
Nurgle rewarded us
For only the worthy may enter his realm.
Suffering I endured in Nurgle's name.
Beside this stone I shed the rags of plague
An exalted one of Nurgle, rewarded with immortal flesh.
BATTLE OF THE GLADES OF NURGLE: This was the last battle and Lothar felt it in his bones. He knew he must win at all costs and the costs were high. Lothar finally arrived at the Realm of Nurgle, but a rival warband barred his way. Lothar's retinue were overcome with thirst and charged headlong for the shade of Nurgle's glades. The sight of Lothar utterly destroying yet another foe in his unswerving determination to follow the way of Nurgle caught the eye of the Plague Lord. At long last, after years of struggle and suffering, Lothar's superhuman endurance was rewarded with superhuman form as a Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Grod survived to take over the remnants of Lothar's band. Many had fallen in the battle, never to see Nurgle's glades. Grod honoured his former master by instructing the remaining Dwarfs to inscribe a monolith for Lothar, on which this saga is carved.
Tenth Reward: | Eye of God - Lothar becomes the Daemon Prince Ghur'urgh bu'yue, known as Bubonicus |
The warband of Lothar Bubonicus is greatly advanced from its starting form and Lothar himself is on the verge of becoming a Daemon Prince. Lothar's armour was given several thin washes of Green and Yellow Ink over the bare metal of the model. This gives a great rotting metallic finish. The ink should not be allowed to form into any deep pools in the model's recesses - any surplus ink can easily be removed using a dry brush, achieving a consistent finish.
Adding Rotten Flesh to Bronzed Flesh and Bestial Brown gives a very effective base colour for an unhealthy skin pallor. This can be seen very well on the Chaos Dwarfs. The highlights were achieved by adding more Bronzed Flesh and Skull White to the mix.
The model for Grod the Chaos Warrior was heavily converted to fit his Chaos attributes of Overgrown Arm, Mane of Hair and Horns. The arm was taken off a Great Unclean One (a Greater Daemon of Nurgle) and was pinned into position then finished off with modelling putty to hide the joint. The Chaos Steed has also been converted to give a more Nurglesque feel. The scale armour on the horse was painted in normal metallics - Chaos Black with Chainmail and Mithril Silver highlights - then given several thin washes of Brown Ink to give a dull rusty finish.
Armour dues not always have to be painted in metallics. The Warrior Grod was given a base coat of Woodland Green and Chaos Black and highlighted with Woodland Green and Bilious Green. A thin glaze of Green and Yellow Inks helps to smooth off the finish.
Lothar's standard - a stylised vomiting fly's head representing pestilence and decay - is carried by a Chaos Dwarf. The standard was first drawn out on paper, then painted using dull, rotting colours. It was then carefully cut out using a sharp modelling knife and attached to the pole. The heads and skulls were added as an appropriately gruesome finishing touch.
When the Green Death raged
I swore an oath to Father Nurgle.
I bade him spare me that I might live in his service
And Father Nurgle chose me as his own.
Though all the village perished
I alone survived.
In the great forest I dwelt.
Amid the wild Beastmen, I was their shaman.
THE BEGINNING: Lothar was the only survivor of his plague-stricken village. He believed he was saved because he swore to serve Nurgle, though it is more likely that he survived due to his almost supernatural physical endurance. He ventured into the trackless forests and was befriended by Beastmen, who recognised him as chosen by Nurgle and accepted him as their Champion.
Nurgle blessed me with endurance.
My blood ran yellow with his power.
When the wicked ones caught me
The torturers caused me no suffering
For Nurgle lent me his great strength
And my brave followers rescued me from the stake.
BATTLE OF THE PYRE: Lothar was captured by witch hunters, tortured and tied to a stake for burning. His Beastmen followers emerged from the forest and hacked their way through the soldiers to rescue him.
Mark of Nurgle: | +1 Toughness |
Initial Attribute: | Blood Substitution - Acid Blood +1 Toughness |
Initial Followers: | 6 Beastmen |
The rot approached.
Longhorn bellowed loud in Nurgle's praise.
Five Dwarfs from the wilderness
They heard the call, and knew that they were saved
From death in the darkness of the woods.
By Nurgle's will.
TRIUMPH IN THE FORESTS: One of his Beastmen sent out a call of triumph in the forests. A band of Dwarfs, lost in the woods, made their way to the sound and, since Nurgle had saved them, they willingly joined Lothar's retinue, which now numbered 6 Beastmen and 5 Dwarfs.
First Reward: | Chaos Gift - Horrible Stench |
Follower's Reward: | Enormouse Noise for a Beastman |
New Followers: | 5 Dwarfs |
Questing knights
Slew herd-kin in the glades.
They cooked his flesh upon their fire
And Nurgle punished them with death
Save only one, robust and strong.
He called on Nurgle and so death passed him by
To serve me as my henchman
When I was consumed with the rot.
BATTLE OF THE GLADES: A band of knights slew one of Lothar's Beastmen in the forest glades and ate his flesh only to die from the infected meat of Nurgle's herd. Lothar's retinue now numbered 5 Beastmen and 4 Dwarfs, one Dwarf having been slain in battle. However one of the knights miraculously survived his wounds, and recognising the will of Nurgle, Lothar accepted him as his personal henchman.
Second Reward: | Nurgle's Rot as a Champion of Nurgle, Lothar was not affecetd by the Rot but became a carrier |
Follower's Reward: | Hideous Appearance for a Beastman |
New Followers: | Chaos Warrior |
The lands beyond the forest were in turmoil.
Warriors stalked the land.
Nurgle prepared us for this time of strife.
Armour for Grod, my henchman;
The rust that turns a blade.
For me, mites of Nurgle, my little friends, to lick my sores.
Third Reward: | Chaos Gift - Nurgling Infestation |
Follower's Reward: | Chaos Armour for the Chaos Warrior |
New Followers: | None |
Profane ones violated our sacred woods
With foul relics in their train.
Nurgle told us in the dance of flies
To purify his wilderness forthwith.
Grod, my henchman barred the way.
While Dwarfs and Beastman slew the impure ones.
Amongst the booty, a Palanquin to serve me as a mount.
For the rot was great.
AMBUSH OF THE RELICS: Lothar's retinue ambushed a band of monks escorting holy relics through the woods. They were warned in advance by observing the movements of flies, a divination technique known to Nurgle cultists. The monks were driven out and abandoned their wagons. In them Lothar found a high priests's golden Palanquin which tarnished as soon as he laid hands on it. This was seen as a great reward. Lothar's retinue was reduced to 4 Beastmen and 3 Dwarfs due to losses during the ambush.
Fourth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Palanquin |
Follower's Reward: | Skull Face for a Dwarf |
New Followers: | 5 Humans |
The peasants fled and joined my band.
Nurgle saved them from the famine and the harsh hand of man.
We sacrificed to Nurgle, I grew green in his image.
He who tilled the fields beneath the yoke
Became one who wields the wand and brings the rain.
PEASANTS' REVOLT: Peasants living on the forest edge rebelled and fled to join Lothar's growing band. One of them turned out to be a witch. Lothar increasingly grew to resemble his inhuman master. His band now included 4 Beastmen, 3 Dwarfs, the Chaos Warrior Grod, 5 Humans wearing armour stripped from slain lords, and a Human Wizard.
Fifth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Hide of Nurgle |
Follower's Reward: | Multiple Rewards for the Humans |
New Followers: | 1 level 5 female Wizard |
Into the city we came at night.
Through the sewers we were led by Nurgle's scouts.
Vermin of valour did their work well.
Now the high lords scratch and wither.
The justice of Nurgle is delivered.
PLAGUE RAID ON UBERAVERGLAU: Led by Skaven into the heart of the town through the sewers, Lothar infected the castle of the prince and the houses of the rich burghers with plague in vengeance for the oppression of the peasants and the persecution of witches and Beastmen. Lothar was honoured with the Skaven title Bubonicus and his band swelled by 4 Skaven.
Sixth Reward: | Chaos Armour (Lothar's hide is now uncannily tough) |
Follower's Reward: | Overgrown Arm for Grod |
New Followers: | 4 Skaven |
I saw a vision of Nurgle's realm.
A green wood stretching as far as eyes could see
Seething with life and the drone of fat flies.
When I awoke, I saw the master's rune in snail-trails.
We followed, seeking for the runes
Until we crossed the edge of fate.
We found three herdkin and the Ogre of the hills.
But Nurgle's Steed I gave to Grod
And Nurgle strengthened his arm that he might protect me.
TREK TO THE CHAOS WASTES: Lothar, having seen a vision of the Realm of Nurgle, led his band into the Chaos Wastes by following the runes made by snails with their slime-trails. On the journey Lothar was rewarded with a Daemonic Steed which he gave to Grod, whose arm had grown out of all proportion. Lothar, confined to his Palanquin, increasingly relied on Grod to fight for him as a henchman.
Seventh Reward: | Chaos Gift - Daemonic Steed given to Grod |
Follower's Reward: | Mane of Hair for Grod |
New Followers: | 3 Beastmen and 1 Ogre |
Twice twenty years within the Wastes.
The green glades of Nurgle eluded us.
I called to Father Nurgle: are we unworthy?
Then herdkin found the scent of Nurgle's foes.
It was a time of trial
For only the strongest live to run wild in Nurgle's glades.
We slew them, a feast for the flies.
They who followed The Changer, change no more.
The slaying of exalted ones brings great reward.
Flies swarming on the blood-drenched sword
Merged with the metal.
Runes spelled its name: Plaguebiter.
The leaderless ones flocked to my fly banners
As we march to the last battle.
CLASH OF THE WARBANDS: This was undoubtedly the most decisive battle in Lothar's career. Lothar's warband clashed with an exalted Champion of Tzeentch and his retinue. Their opponent was certainly a very great Champion on the verge of Daemonhood himself. When Lothar defeated him it was also a great triumph of Nurgle over Tzeentch. In their fervent belief that Nurgle was testing them after twenty years wandering in the Wastes, Lothar's retinue fought ferociously and annihilated their foes. For this they were well rewarded. The battle was hard-won and 3 Humans were slain together with a valiant Skaven and 5 Beastmen. Grod and Lothar, high in the favour of their lord, escaped serious wounds. Lothar gathered to himself more Beastmen and hsi band was renewed in strength, now containing Grod mounted on his Steed, 9 Beastmen, 3 Dwarfs, 3 Skaven, 2 Humans, an Ogre called Skas and a witch called Utterblight.
Eighth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Rune of Nurgle |
Follower's Reward: | Horns given to Grod |
New Followers: | None |
Ninth Reward: | Chaos Gift - Daemon Weapon in which a Plaguebearer is locked |
Follower's Reward: | Plague creeps over Grod's Steed |
New Followers: | 7 Beastmen |
The green glades of Nurgle
Seething with growth and the drone of fat flies.
Beastmen gasping to drink the sweet green waters.
They who dared to bar our way
We slew them; to Plaguebiter they fell.
Not one escaped.
Nurgle rewarded us
For only the worthy may enter his realm.
The road was long.
Suffering I endured in Nurgle's name.
He did not desert me.
Beside this stone I shed the rags of plague
An exalted one of Nurgle, rewarded with immortal flesh.
BATTLE OF THE GLADES OF NURGLE: This was the last battle and Lothar felt it in his bones. He knew he must win at all costs and the costs were high. Lothar finally arrived at the Realm of Nurgle, but a rival warband barred his way. Lothar's retinue were overcome with thirst and charged headlong for the shade of Nurgle's glades. The sight of Lothar utterly destroying yet another foe in his unswerving determination to follow the way of Nurgle caught the eye of the Plague Lord. At long last, after years of struggle and suffering, Lothar's superhuman endurance was rewarded with immortal form as a Daemon Prince of Nurgle. Grod survived to take over the remnants of Lothar's band. Many had fallen in the battle, never to see Nurgle's glades. Grod honoured his former master by instructing the remaining Dwarfs to inscribe a monolith for Lothar, on which this saga is carved.
Tenth Reward: | Eye of God - Lothar becomes the Daemon Prince Ghur'urgh bu'yue, known as Bubonicus |
When a Daemon Prince takes control of his hard-won world he uses his mighty powers to reshape it to a form which pleases him. Because of this, every world is different and all are equally spectacular in their own way. The most powerful psykers in the Imperium have reported dreams or visions in which worlds of the Eye of Terror have been revealed to them. On one world a black sun stands in a white sky and smoky threads pour from it onto a tangled black city - this is said to be the homeworld of the Daemon Prince Perturabo, formerly the Space Marine Primarch of the Iron Warriors. Another world has boiling lakes of blood from which spheres of fire float into the sky and spread their light across the firmament - the ruler of this world is the Daemon Prince Bubonicus, formerly a mortal Champion of Nurgle on one of the myriad lost worlds in the galaxy. Visions of such places disturb the psychically sensitive throughout the entire galaxy.
Just as industrial slaves labour to produce the weapons and armour for battle, so vast prayer-gangs are put to work worshipping their masters. On the Daemon World of Bubonicus, for example, the equator is surrounded by a dancing human chain which sings and dances the praise of Nurgle as it circles the world. The dancers develop Nurgle's Rot and gradually mutate into Plaguebearers. The Plaguebearers join their master and new mortals take their place so that the circle is never broken. This theatrical conceit pleases Nurgle tremendously, so that Bubonicus has commanded it should never cease.
This is a typical example of the vast scale of worship which the Chaos Powers enjoy. Other examples include planets where millions of people chant the same mantra in a city of perpetual worship so that the whole world vibrates to their voices. The entire energies of another are spent building and tolling bells as big as cities, whose thunderous peals rebound around the globe while thousands of slaves labour to swing them. There is said to be a world belonging to Nurgle where the entire population is enslaved keeping the accounts of disease and pestilence, recording every incidence of sickness in the entire galaxy.
When a daemon prince takes control of his hard-won world he uses his mighty powers to reshape it into a form which pleases him. Because of this, every world is different and all are equally spectacular in their own way. The most powerful psykers in the Imperium have reported dreams or visions in which worlds of the Eye of Terror have been revealed to them. On one world a black sun stands in a white sky and smoky threads pour from it onto a tangled black city - this is said to be the home world of the daemon prince Perturabo, formerly the Primarch of the Iron Warriors. Another world has boiling lakes of blood from which spheres of fire float into the sky and spread their light across the firmament - the ruler of this world is the daemon prince Bubonicus, formerly a mortal Champion of Nurgle on one of the myriad lost worlds in the galaxy. Visions of such places disturb the psychically sensitive throughout the entire galaxy.
I have a confession to make, I love Dreadnoughts! I have probably built and converted 20 or more Dreds over the last 10 years. It was only fitting that a Dreadnought formed the basis for my Nurgle 40K army. I had already made a Dred model called "Lothar Bubonicus" in 1998 as a 40K Demon prince. In a very old WD there is a story of the trials and tribulations of a Nurgle Champion called Lothar Bubonicus. Since the Chaos timeline is flexible, why couldn't Lothar have fallen in battle, been entombed in a Dreadnought and kept fighting for Nurgle?
I made Lothar and loved him! At the time it was my favourite conversion that I had done. But, to cut a long story short, in each game Lothar would stride onto the field of battle, scare the hell out of my opponent and get hit by every heavy weapon on the table, then collapse in a pile of pus! So, I had this beast of a Dred, but no real force to go with it. He needed an Army.
The Death Guard were one of the original chapters to convert to Chaos. To keep with this theme, I wanted to use "regular" Imperial Space Marines and equipment, converting and corrupting it to make it suitable for the Lord of Disease.
I had to select a more corporal leader for my Army, as Lothar was trapped in the Dred. I really liked the newer WFB Chaos Sorcerers, especially the fat fellow. What would he look like in terminator armour? I used various bits and putty to come up with Bernard the Swollen, champion of Nurgle. Part of his history involves his time as a Raptor Champion, but he became too fat (blessed by Nurgle?) for the jump packs. This did a couple of things: first, giving me a reason to have Raptors and bikes for fast attack, secondly explaining why he was such a fat bloke. Bernard has the Mark of Nurgle (Duh!), Plague Sword and a pet Beast of Nurgle (which was worth its weight in gold, but more on that later). I could have given Bernard more effective Wargear, but I equipped him as I thought a Nurgle Lord should be. Bernard has the Fleshy Shoulder Pad that all his Army received on one side; on the other he bears the fly head of the Raptors, showing his heritage.
Plague Marines, of course. Seven (Nurgle's number) of the most infected marines to fight for Bernard with a Rhino to get them into battle quickly. A note on Sqad size: I really tried to make all the squads 7 models, but points limits made me come up short on a couple of the squads. After I had already made my first squad of "regular" Nurgle Chaos Marines, I had a Problem.
The "Regular" Marines would have made great Plaguemarines in any other Army. I had to set the Plaguemarines apart, making them elite. One of the US Games Workshop Trolls gave me the idea to use Skaven Plague Censor Back Packs. They were perfect. (As a plug for the US mail order, the Troll folks are all great gamers and are very helpful when it comes to this short of thing.) I wanted to have all the marine based units to have the same shoulder pads. I sculpted a Fleshy Nurgle Pad on one side for all the models in every squad, the plaguemarines got a metal Death Guard pad on the other to show they were part of the original Chapter (Veterans that they are). The Rhino was built to look old and corrupted, but not so changed so as not to be recognisable in its Imperial origins.
Two Squads of seven marines. To give my army some flexibility, I made one squad Close Combat orientated, the other shootier. For Squad Botulus, the close combat squad, I gave them the Morning Stars from the Gothic Skeleton Regiment as weapons besides their bolt pistols. They have a Flamer as a special weapon. I like the idea to have the close combat guys without helmets, so they can see what they are doing. I made the Breathers for the squad from plasti card; I didn't think that they should have hoses (get in the way). Squad Contagion were more standard, Bolters and a Heavy Bolters, to provide some Fire support. The hoses are simply putty made into a snake and stuck on. Both Squads have the "Fleshy Pad" on one shoulder; the other side bears their squad symbol, which is repeated on the squad banners.
The other troop squads are composed of Demons: Seven Plaguebearers and 4 Nurgling Bases (point problem). I really wanted to make the Nurgling bases stand out and look infested, so I used some bits and fallen Blood Angels to make them.
Squad Peste: Now to have some fun! I like the idea of raptors, however the current figures (great for Khorne/Undivided) did not fit with the look I was going for. For most of them, I started with basic assault marines, but I used the old style metal jump packs (through mail-order) to give the squad an older look. In the Rogue Trader book, there is a drawing of an assault marine with all sorts of hoses, etc. going into his helmet. I wanted my raptors to have that look. I used old Man-O-War bits to make the hoses, along with some putty. I really wanted to make the Raptors stand out, so I sculpted a Nurgle Fly Head on each one's Shoulder. On the other side, they have the "Fleshy Pad" that all the other models do. The Squad Banner Bearer is based on a Plaguemarine Champion who fit right in. I used a very old Nurgle WFB model as the base for the Squad's champion, Mestophilus; the fly head was just too good to pass up. I used some spawn legs to make the extra limbs, which are "Spiky Bits" in game terms. Mestophilus also has the Mark of Nurgle, Melta Bombs, and a Power Weapon. This is my favourite Squad in the Army.
Plagueriders: A while back, I made a Khorne biker conversion. I used a Fleshhound to detail the bike; it was a pretty cool model. I wanted to try that with the Nurgle Bikers. I decided to "impale" a Plaguebearer on the front of each bike and go from there. I used a Plaguemarine torso for the squad's champion, Septicus, who has the Mark of Nurgle and a Power Weapon. These were the hardest models to convert; I couldn't make up my mind on how they should look. They have the same shoulder pad treatment as all the other models in the Army. I could not afford, point-wise, seven of the bikers, so three it was (that number did not work out well, however).
Dreadnought "Lothar Bubonicus, Entombed Lord of Nurgle, Champion Eternal". This model started this entire army; see earlier for a picture. I based Lothar on an Epic Imperator Titan Kit, using the legs and Plasma Cannon from the kit. An older Great Unclean One provided the head and centre torso. I wanted it to look like the metal carapace could not contain Lothar's bloated bulk, hence the tentacles and bulges of fat made from putty. The left arm is made from a Beast of Nurgle; the idea was two-fold. Firstly that the power scourge grew out to replace its tentacles. Secondly that the Beast was entombed in the Dreadnought with Lothar and thus became "one" with him over time. Some parts from a plastic helicopter kit found their way into this model too.
Dreadnought "Mangar Infectus". I already had Lothar done. I had a hard choice to make for my second Heavy Support, but as I said, I love Dreadnoughts, so there was no choice really. Since I had little or no armour defeating weapons in my other troop choices, I gave Mangar twin-linked Lascannons to give the army some additional anti-armour punch. For the conversion, I started with a standard Imperial Space Marine Dreadnought and went from there. I wanted the Dreadnought to tie in with the rest of the Army; the Fly-Head banner and Shoulder Sculpting helped in this. The model is on a Titan base, and to "liven" it up I added a dead Blood Angel (I really do not like the Blood Angels; maybe the red clashes with Nurgle's green).
I made all the bases with putty. I used the round end of various brushes, hobby knives, etc. to make the craters. They were really easy to do and look good when painted up. I was going for a blasted, WW I-ish look. Battle debris and bits should be littered all over. I have a game table that is painted to look the same as this army's bases, along with craters, shattered buildings, etc. If you want an Army to look unified, consistent basing thoughout is a must.
Whenever I attempt to do a major conversion, I first "brainstorm" and sketch out what I want the finished model to look like. I try to get the proportions right; this also helps to figure out what bits or figures that I need to make the model. I also try to plan the conversion so that I can disassemble it and paint it in parts. One of the great things about the green putty is that it will allow taking something apart after it has set. For example, I painted the Rhino Gunner off the model; the same was done with Mangar's arms and Banner. This separate painting makes it much easier to get at tricky parts of the model, lowering the frustration level with the larger, more complicated models. All the banners were made from putty! I like the way you can stretch it out, put it in a dynamic pose and it will stay that way. You can fray the ends and make it look old and battle worn.
If you want to win games at any cost, then theming out an Army like I did may not be the route to go. There is no reason why an army cannot fulfil both roles, being both an effective fighting force and looking superb. If you are looking for a challenge and want to field a unique army, give the theme approach a try. Once you do, you may never look back...