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Palanquins are a form of transportation: typically formed of a seat on a platform which is borne aloft by a horde of Nurglings.

Characters known to ride on a Palanquin include Lothar Bubonicus and Plaguestrangler Vilestench.

White Dwarf 114 (1989-06)

White Dwarf 114 (Jun 1989), p38-39 — Palanquins of Nurgle

Of the Plague Lord's many strange devices, the Palanquin is among the finest. A Champion of Nurgle who receives a Palanquin is honoured indeed, held in high esteem by his master to warrant such a gift. Seated on his Palanquin, held aloft by a swarm of Nurglings, the Champion can enter battle enthroned, as glorious as any lord or princeling to the eyes of his admiring followers.

And on daemonic battlefields, bands of Daemons ride to war, carried by their lesser brethren, proud of their ageing finery. Surrounded by a cloud of buzzing flies, wielding jagged broadswords, bringing with them the incurable taint of disease, Plaguebearers, Nurgle's Lesser Daemons, face their enemies from gilded thrones and taunt the lower beings who are to feel their master's wrath.

Palanquin of Nurgle

The Palanquins of Nurgle are large ceremonial litters used by the Lord of Decay's most trusted servants, Seated on ornate thrones, these Champions and Daemons are borne into battle on the shoulders of a horde of Nurglings. Many of Nurgle's servants are permanently confined to their Palanquins, unable to move beyond these conveyances thanks to their multitude of physically debilitating plagues and pestilences.

Palanquins usually show signs of decayed grandeur. Often they have gold fittings and velvet cushions, although in keeping with Nurgle's wishes these are battered, mildewed and encrusted with filth. A horde of Nurglings, the gibbering, flatulent Daemonic Servants of the Plague Lord, is magically bound to the fabric of each Palanquins. These act as its bearers, carrying their cargo upon a host of small shoulders. They are also capable of leaving their burden briefly to attack enemies, swarming forth to bite and nip at opponents.

When in hand-to-hand combat a Palanquin has D6 bite attacks as its Nurgling carriers swarm from beneath their burden and into any opponents. Each of these attacks has Weapon Skill 2.25, Strength 1 and Initiative 2/20. No additional models need be provided, nor is it possible to slay the Nurglings who make these attacks. Losses suffered in combat are irrelevant, given the number of carriers required by each Palanquin.

Palanquins may be used by Champions of Nurgle and by Plaguebearers, his Lesser Daemons. They have a Movement of 8, and are surrounded by a fetid smell and a cloud of flies. All opponents in close combat against Palanquin riders are at -1/10 to hit as flies buzz into eyes, noses and mouths (ie the same effect as the Cloud of Flies attribute; see The Mark of Chaos in Slaves to Darkness). It should be noted that the cloud of flies around a Palanquin absorbs the similar cloud around a Plaguebearer - the two -1/10 to hit penalties are not cumulative.

The Palanquin itself has Toughness 5 and 3/17 Damage Points. It may be attacked instead of its rider (attacker's choice). Once reduced to zero Damage Points the Palanquin dissolves into a slippery mass of nauseous slime and its bound Nurglings immediately return to the warp.

Finally, the Nurglings frequently leave a pool of ordure and similar filth in their wake. Each turn/round roll a D6. A result of 6 indicates that the Nurglings have produced just such a pool. This should be represented by a 1" diameter marker placed upon the tabletop. Any creature moving into this marked area takes a Strength 4 hit due to the foul and corrupting nature of the Nurglings' waste substances. Armour (other than magical or Chaos Armour) is ignored and the victim receives no armour saving throw.

White Dwarf 121 (1990-01)

White Dwarf 121 (Jan 1990), p17 — The Palanquin of Nurgle

Great Unclean Ones are Daemons with a sense of the dramatic. They enjoy the decorative trappings of power almost as much as they enjoy power itself. The Palanquin of Nurgle is an ornate and mobile throne that allows the Great Unclean One to be carried aloft by a tide of surging Nurglings. The tiny creatures propel the Palanquin wherever their master wishes. From his elevated position the Greater Daemon is able to speak to his slaves, or strike at his foes, confident that he will remain the centre of attention at all times. The Palanquin itself is decorated with mouldered finery, while the Great Daemon rider sits casually upon a mound of decaying cushions. Palanquins may also be gifted to Champions and Plaguebearers.

Cloud of Flies

The Palanquin is surrounded by a cloud of flies which buzz and swarm around it. If the Palanquin is carried into hand-to-hand fighting the cloud of flies will buzz into the eyes and ears of all engaged enemy models, reducing their D6 to hit roll by -1. If the rider is a Plaguebearer, then his own cloud of flies merges with that of the Palanquin, but the combined effect is still to reduce the D6 to hit roll by -1.

The cloud of flies has another effect, for each insect embodies a tiny fraction of protective magic. The cloud thus represents a onsiderable protective spell. The palanquin and its rider cannot be affected by a magical spell of any kind. Both are affected normally by a hand-to-hand combat blow struck by a magical weapon, but not by spells cast by such a weapon.

Movement and Combat

During a turn, the Palanquin moves up to 6" and can charge into combat just like any normal model, doubling its maximum movement to 12" as it does so. The rider can fight from the Palanquin and strike the enemy in any direction, whether they lie to the front, sides or rear. The Nurgling bearers also fight in hand-to-hand combat, automatically causing D6 hits with a strength of 3. The Nurgling bearers cannot be struck as such, indeed their very numbers would make this a futile business, but the Palanquin can be attacked. The attacker has the choice of striking blows or aiming missiles at either the rider or the Palanquin. Blows against the Palanquin hit automatically. The Palanquin has a toughness of 5, and once it has sustained 3 wounds it is completely destroyed, dissolving into an unpleasant slippery mass along with its attendant Nurgling bearers.

Sticky Pools

As the Nurgling bearers move across the battlefield, small pools of something unpleasant and sticky form behind the Palanquin. These pools of filth contains pus, excrement, urine and other foul substances which are produced by the Nurglings. The sheer quantity of Nurgling bearers makes these pools very dangerous! Roll a D6 when the Palanquin moves, and on the roll of 6 the Nurglings have produced a sticky pool as described. A sticky pool is represented on the games table by a card circle 1" in diameter. These pools remain in place for the remainder of the game. Any model moving over a sticky pool may be unfortunate enough to catch Nurgle's Rot as described already under Nurgle's Rot.

Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned (1990)

Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned (1990), p26 — The Palanquin of Nurgle

Great Unclean Ones are daemons with a sense of the dramatic. They enjoy the decorative trappings of power almost as much as they enjoy power itself. The Palanquin of Nurgle is an ornate and mobile throne that allows the Great Unclean One to be carried aloft by a tide of surging Nurglings. The tiny creatures propel the Palanquin wherever their master wishes. From his elevated position the Greater Daemon is able to speak to his slaves, or strike at his foes. The Palanquin itself is decorated with mouldered finery, while the Great Daemon rider sits casually upon a mound of decaying cushions. Palanquins may also be gifted to Champions and Plaguebearers.

Cloud of Flies

The Palanquin is surrounded by a cloud of flies which buzz and swarm around it. If the Palanquin is carried into hand-to-hand fighting the cloud of flies will buzz into the eyes and ears of all engaged enemy models, reducing their D6 to hit roll by -1. If the rider is a Plaguebearer, then his own cloud of flies merges with that of the Palanquin, but the combined effect is still to reduce the D6 to hit roll by -1.

The cloud of flies has another effect, for each insect embodies a tiny fraction of protective magic. The cloud thus represents a onsiderable protective spell. The Palanquin and its rider cannot be affected by a magical spell of any kind. Both are affected normally by a hand-to-hand combat blow struck by a magical weapon, but not by spells cast by such a weapon.

Movement and Combat

During a turn, the Palanquin moves up to 6" and can charge into combat just like any normal model, doubling its maximum movement to 12" as it does so. The rider can fight from the Palanquin and strike the enemy in any direction, whether they lie to the front, sides or rear. The Nurgling bearers also fight in hand-to-hand combat, automatically causing D6 hits with a strength of 3. The Nurgling bearers cannot be struck as such, indeed their very numbers would make this a futile business, but the Palanquin can be attacked. The attacker has the choice of striking blows or aiming missiles at either the rider or the Palanquin. Blows against the Palanquin hit automatically. The Palanquin has a Toughness of 5, and once it has sustained 3 wounds it is completely destroyed, dissolving into an unpleasant slippery mass along with its attendant Nurgling bearers.

Sticky Pools

As the Nurgling bearers move across the battlefield, small pools of something unpleasant and sticky form behind the Palanquin. These pools of filth contains pus, excrement, urine and other foul substances which are produced by the Nurglings. The sheer quantity of Nurgling bearers makes these pools very dangerous! Roll a D6 when the Palanquin moves, and on the roll of 6 the Nurglings have produced a sticky pool as described. A sticky pool is represented on the games table by a card circle 1" in diameter. These pools remain in place for the remainder of the game. Any model moving over a sticky pool may be unfortunate enough to catch Nurgle's Rot as described already under Nurgle's Rot.

Citadel Journal 12 (1995)

Plaguestrangler Vilestench upon a Palanquin of Nurgle

Citadel Journal 12 (1995), p37-38 — Nurgle Palanquin

Nurgle Palanquins

Each Chaos God gifts his Champions with special rewards. Khorne for example may reward a champion for particularly impressive kills upon the field of battle and will gift him a suit of blood red armour. Nurgle will reward his champions with diseases and plagues but sometimes Nurgle's champions deserve more and for these special champions Nurgle reserves his most powerful reward - Nurgle's Palanquin.

Nurgle's Palanquin is a throne of putrid vileness carried aloft upon a litter which is borne by Nurglings. Nurgle's champion sits upon the throne and commands awe and respect from the lesser warriors under his command. Very few champions are considered worthy of a palanquin and those that are must be favoured warriors indeed.

Nurgle's Palanquin Special Rules

Causes Fear: Nurgle's Palanquin is a disgusting and obscene object to look upon and as such it causes fear. Foes charged or wishing to charge the Palanquin must first pass a fear test otherwise they will break and flee, or will be unable to charge.

March Moves: The Nurgle Palanquin may not make a march move and therefore can only move 4" per turn. This may be doubled to 8" when the Palanquin charges.

Daemonic Animosity: The Nurglings are subject to Daemonic Animosity. They must test for Daemonic Animosity if there are Daemons from a rival Chaos God within 12" at the start of the Chaos players and they are not in combat. They may test using Plaguestrangler's Leadership characteristic. See Warhammer Armies: Chaos for more details.

War Altar: The Nurgle Palanquin is a huge inspiration for Chaos troops in battle. All Nurgle units within 6" of the Palanquin are immune to all psychology tests and may add +1 to break tests.

Hits from ShootingHits from Hand to Hand

Distributing Damage: When the Palanquin is hit in hand to hand combat or shooting then roll a die for each hit and consult the relevant table above to determine where the blow has landed.

After you have determined where the hit will land then roll to wound as normal. If the Palanquin is reduced to 0 Wounds it is destroyed and the Nurglings which bear it will be crushed beneath its falling debris. If the Nurglings are reduced to 0 Wounds then they are killed and the Palanquin may no longer move. Vilestench may leave the Palanquin if either the Nurglings or the Palanquin are destroyed and move independently. If Plaguestrangler Vilestench is killed then Nurgle will be most displeased and take his gift, Nurgle's Palanquin, away from the earthly plane of existence; remove the model from the table.

Citadel Journal 12 (1995), p39 — Chaos Reward — 90 Points: Nurgle's Palanquin

The Chaos Champion has received Nurgle's highest gift, the Nurgle Palanquin. Nurgle's Palanquin is a putrescent throne upon which the Chaos Champion sits carried aloft by Nurglings into the thick of battle. The Chaos Champion upon the Palanquin commands great respect and awe from his followers.

The Nurgle Palanquin has a Toughness of 7 and can sustain 3 wounds before being destroyed. The Nurgle Palanquin is borne by Nurglings which have the same profile as that given in Warhammer Armies: Chaos. The Nurgle Palanquin causes Fear (see Citadel Journal issue 12 for more details on Nurgle's Palanquin).

Champion or Sorcerer of Nurgle Only

Citadel Journal 32 (1999)

Citadel Journal 32 (1999), p56-57 — Palanquin of Nurgle

The Festering Throne of Nurgle

A Palanquin of Nurgle is a daemonic mount that takes the form of a small throne upon which sits a diseased minion of Nurgle. The Palanquin is propelled about by a swarm of Nurglings that abide only to the will of the Nurgle devoted rider. As the throne slithers across the battlefield, pools of nauseating pus and secretion are left behind like large canker sores covering the ground so foul in nature that there are no words that can truly convey them to human comprehension.

Only the most devoted and foul servants of Nurgle are gifted with this truly most vulgar of mounts. The Palanquin is not only a sign of Nurgle's favouritism for a particular follower, but is also a potent weapon of battle. The rider gains blessings from Nurgle, protecting him from hostile magic and enemy war machines; while swarms of buzzing flies seriously impede opponents in combat, buzzing into their eyes, ears, nostrils and mouths.

You may buy a Palanquin of Nurgle for any Chaos Champion or Sorcerer of Nurgle. The points for the Palanquin itself come out of the Warlord's retinue and are not added to the Warlord's points value (in the same way as for a Chaos chariot).

The Palanquin of Nurgle has a single profile that takes into account both the daemon mount itself and that of the Nurgling bearers. Movement, Attacks, damage, etc. are all explained below.


Movement: The Palanquin has a movement rate of 6 (see profile) which represents a horde of malevolent Nurglings propelling the palanquin around the battlefield. The Palanquin may never make a march move and may not move through difficult terrain.

Shooting at the Palanquin: When an enemy unit shoots at the Palanquin they must randomise hits between the rider and the Palanquin in a similar way to a chariot. Roll 1D6 to determine where the shot hits:

ScoreArea Hit

Resolve the damage as normal. If the weapon uses a template treat the rider and Palanquin as individual targets in exactly the same way as with a chariot.

The Palanquin in Close Combat: When in close combat both the rider and the Palanquin may attack enemies to the flanks and rear. The Palanquin's attacks are made by the Nurgling bearers themselves. The Chaos player rolls 1D6 every turn that the Palanquin is in combat to see how many attacks are made that turn. Resolve the damage as normal using the Palanquin's Weapon Skill and Strength. Opponents may choose whether to attack the Palanquin or the Rider.

Special Rules

Slime Trail: Each time the Palanquin moves roll 1D6; on the result of 5+ it leaves behind a rancid pool of indescribable pus and fluid which carries the seeds of the disease known as Nurgle's Rot. Place the smaller 2" template on the Palanquin's last position where it will remain for the duration of the game. Any model (except those of Nurgle, of course) which touches the template for any reason will suffer an automatic Wound with no saves for armour, even Magic Armour or Wards.

Cloud of Flies: The Palanquin is constantly surrounded by a thick cloud of flies which swarm over the enemy distracting them and making them fumble their blows. All enemies in base-to-base contact with the Palanquin suffer a -1 on their 'To-Hit' rolls.

A Champion with the Chaos Reward of Nurgle's Cloud of Flies will not gain any extra modifiers.

Damage: When the Palanquin suffers damage it may take a basic armour saving throw of 4+ representing its Daemonic Aura.

If the Palanquin sustains three or more wounds then it is completely destroyed along with its Nurgling bearers, however the Champion may continue to fight on foot as normal. If the Nurgle Champion is slain, then the Nurglings will abandon the field and leave the Palanquin.

Nurgle's Blessing: A Champion or Sorcerer of Nurgle riding on a Palanquin is a very booned follower indeed, as he is blessed by Nurgle's foul favour. To represent this any hostile spell cast against the palanquin or its rider will be dispelled on a roll of 3+. This counts as a natural dispel and cannot be modified.

In addition, after both sides have deployed the Chaos player may choose one enemy War Machine on the field which will be execrated by Nurgle. You must announce which War Machine is to be affected in this manner. Every time that the War Machine fires at the Palanquin roll 1D6.

1-4The War Machine suffers a Misfire (immediately roll on the Misfire chart).
5-6The War Machine may fire as normal.

You only need to make this roll if the War Machine fires upon the Palanquin; it may fire upon any other units without penalty.

Fear: A Palanquin of Nurgle is a Daemonic creation and causes Fear.

The Palanquin of Nurgle is NOT affected by Daemon animosity and although many of the rules are similar to a Chariot's it does not cause automatic impact hits when it charges - it's not that big and certainly doesn't go nearly fast enough!

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2012)

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2012), p67 — Daemonic Steeds

Palanquin of Nurgle: Dozens of giggling, pustulant Nurglings carry the champion to war.

The model receives +2 Wounds, +1 Attack and gains the Very Bulky special rule.