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The Mabrothrax (or Plague Elemental) was introduced in the very early days of the Warhammer setting, and was given a model. But it fell out of canonicity, receiving no mention in later works.

You might infer from the text below that the Mabrothrax is an individual Greater Daemon of Nurgle (and thus the first documented Great Unclean One). In fact this is not so; there may be several Mabrothrax, given the wider context of the book. On the same page there are two more examples of Greater Daemons: the Mardagg (Death Elemental of Khorne) and the Viydagg (Life Elemental of Law); both are referred to in the same style of language as that used for the Mabrothrax, but these are definitely not individuals given additional text of the form, "Whenever a Mardagg is summoned, there is a 10% chance that a Viydagg will be sent to destroy it. A Mardagg killed by a Viydagg is destroyed for ever."

The name of Scabeiathrax may be a reference to the Mabrothrax.

The Third Citadel Compendium (1985)

Plague Elemental

The Third Citadel Compendium (1985), p10-11 — Bellicose Bestiary

New Elementals

These new Elemental types are further manifestations of natural forces, akin to the basic elements of earth, air, fire and water. They have an affinity with one of the 4 elements, and will not attack, and cannot harm, other Elementals of that type. All the general rules that apply to Elementals hold true for these new ones (see page 47 of the Warhammer Battle Bestiary).


Basic Points Value 1133


Plague Elemental

This is an Elemental of the air. Its arrival can easily be foretold by a foul stench on the breeze, as of rotting flesh or garbage. Rules apply as for other Air Elementals. Plague Elementals can cast a Wind Blast spell, like other Air Elementals, but note that this is a rank, disgusting wind. This causes the equivalent of 1 strength 3 hit on each living target affected by the blast. Elves, because they are naturally fastidious if not obsessive about personal hygiene, suffer strength 4 hits instead. Victims turn black, their tongues swell horribly, skin blisters and great, yellow boils burst out all over their dying bodies.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (1st ed, 1986)

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (1st ed, 1986), p257-258 — Mabrothrax

Also known, incorrectly, as the Plague Elemental, the Mabrothrax is in fact a solitary Greater Demon. It is said that it is a servant of the Chaos god Nurgle, the Lord of Corruption (of whom more details will be found in the Realms of Chaos supplement), but little is known of its true nature. It can manifest itself as a foul, stinking wind, but it is most effective when it takes physical form. On those occasions when it appears in the material world, the Mabrothrax spreads disease and pestilence, wiping out whole populations.

The Mabrothrax attacks up to 10 times per round, in any direction irrespective of facing. Its attacks have a 100% chance of causing infected wounds. GMs who have a copy of the Realms of Chaos supplement may decide that the Mabrothrax causes Nurgle's Rot instead of infected wounds.

Physique: When in physical form, the Mabrothrax appears as a hunched, decaying humanoid figure which stands about 12 feet tall when fully erect. It has the appearance of a month-old corpse, and its skin is covered in festering boils. Bones and internal organs protrude in the places where its skin has rotted away.

Alignment: Chaotic.

Psychological Traits: The Mabrothrax causes terror in all living creatures, and fear in creatures which are immune to disease.

Special Rules: The Mabrothrax carries the Black Plague (see Disease) when in physical form, and any creature coming within 10 yards of it is exposed to the plague and must make the appropriate saving throws. Once per round it can cast Plague Wind - a spell which is similar in its effects to the level 4 Necromantic Magic spell Wind of Death, which requires every living creature within 2,400 yards downwind of the Mabrothrax to make a Toughness test. Failure indicates that the creature is instantly stricken with a rotting disease, losing 1 point or 10% from each characteristic each round until a successsful test against Toughness is made. When it takes the form of a fetid wind, it can move through solid objects in the same way as an Air Elemental. It is immune to non-magical attacks, and its attacks can wound creatures which are immune to non-magical weapons, unless they are also immune to disease.

Basic Profile