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WFRP was first previewed in White Dwarf 82 (Oct 1986). It is interesting to note that at this stage the term "demon" is used rather than "daemon" (the latter word being standard by the time of 1988's Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness).
A few of the more common diseases encountered in the Old World are detailed here, together with their effects and the procedures for dealing with them in the game. The gamesmaster can create more diseases if desired, following the general pattern of these examples.
Black Plague: This disease is spread by rats; the organism that causes it infects fleas which feed on the rats, and the disease is passed on when these fleas bite people. Unfortunately, nobody in the Old World knows this. The opinion of medical science is that the disease is caused by 'unwholesome vapours' carried on the air, and the standard precaution is to hoist a side of beef up a flagpole and leave it there for two days, then take it down and bury it in a deep pit, together with the 'unwholesome vapours'. Not surprisingly, these measures do nothing to halt the spread of the plague, and it can decimate whole countries. Fortunately, the Black Plague is very rare; the last known outbreak anywhere in the Old World was almost a century ago.
A character explosed to the Black Plague must make a Disease test. If this is successful, the character is unaffected and further rolls against the same disease are made at +10%. If the roll is unsuccessful, the plague takes a hold on the character.
After an incubation period of 2D10 days, the Plague victims will begin to suffer from nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting, and will be completely unable to keep any food down. This has an understandably wearing effect on the constitution, and the character must make a test on each characteristic in turn every day (except Move, Wounds and Attacks), losing 1 point or 10% as appropriate for every failed test. If Strength and Toughness reach zero, the character dies.
The disease lasts for 2D10 days, after which surviving characters will begin to recover lost characteristic points at the rate of 1 point or 10% every two days of complete bed rest; attendance by a character skilled in medicine will reduce the recovery time as for wounds (see Medical Attention in the Combat Section). At the start of the recovery period, however, they must make two 50% Risk tests; if the first one is failed, the character loses D3 Strength permanently, and if the second test is failed, the character loses D3 Toughness permanently.
Red Pox: The red pox can only be transmitted by contact with someone who already has the disease. Character who have had contact with a carrier of the disease must make a Disease test with a modifier of -10%.
If the test is failed, the character will break out in red blotches D10 days later. The blotches last for 2D10 days, and during this period the character loses 1 point each from Strength and Toughness and D10% Will Power, as well as 3D10% Leadership, Cool and Fellowship. Once the disease has run its course, all characteristics will return to normal except for Fellowship, from which D10% will be lost permanently owing to scars left by the spots.
Tomb Rot: This disease is sometimes carried by mummies, zombies and other undead creatures - see the relevant entries in the Bestiary for precise details. Any character who is wounded by an undead creature carrying the disease must make a Disease test after the fight, with a -5% modifier for every Wound point lost fighting the creature.
If the test is failed, the character is infested with the rot, and must make a similar test every day or lose 1 point of Toughness and 10% each from Dexterity and Fellowship. Once the rot has set in, it can only be removed by the Cure Illness skill or by magical means. Characteristic points are lost permanently, and can only be regained by subsequent advance schemes.
Wound Infection: Some animals have a chance of carrying infection. Full details are given in the Bestiary. A character who is wounded by an attack which may cause infected wounds must make a Disease test with a -5% modifier for each Wound point lost fighting the creature.
If the test is failed, the wound is infected. The area struck becomes swollen and inflamed over a period of D4 hours, during which time the character loses 3D10% Dexterity. Wound points from an infected wound are recovered at only half the normal rate, although medical attention will shorten recovery times as normal. However, the character must make a successful Toughness test or lose one Wound point permanently; if 91-00 is rolled, one Wound point is lost from each wound caused by the attack.
The worship of the Chaos Gods is regarded with horror by most decent and civilised folk. This has tended to result in the foundation of secret temples and the use of makeshift sites such as forest clearings and ruins. Temples are never openly built to Chaos Gods.
Covens and secret societies are rooted out and destroyed by the authorities whenever possible, and worshippers find themselves persecuted or forced into exile. Many disappear into the woods, where they join the ever-growing number of wandering followers of Chaos.
The Religion & Belief chapter ends with a brief section that gives a scant paragraph each on three Gods of Chaos (Khorne, Nurgle, Malal; pictured together below) and three Gods of Law (Alluminas, Arianka, Solkan). More is promised in the Realms of Chaos supplement (which would of course later be published as two separate Realm of Chaos books).
Nurgle is lord of pestilence and decay, dedicated to spreading disease and corruption. Many of his followers carry an appalling disease known as Nurgle's Rot, degenerating until they are one with their god's ideal (see Disease).
The Bestiary contains an example of a daemon dedicated to Nurgle: the Mabrothrax (Plague Elemental). Beyond various generic daemon entries (Baalrûkh, Greater Demon, Lesser Demon, Demonic Servant), there is also the grim-reaper-styled Mardragg (Death Elemental) for Khorne, and the opposing Law-aligned Viydagg (Life Elemental).
Also known, incorrectly, as the Plague Elemental, the Mabrothrax is in fact a solitary Greater Demon. It is said that it is a servant of the Chaos god Nurgle, the Lord of Corruption (of whom more details will be found in the Realms of Chaos supplement), but little is known of its true nature. It can manifest itself as a foul, stinking wind, but it is most effective when it takes physical form. On those occasions when it appears in the material world, the Mabrothrax spreads disease and pestilence, wiping out whole populations.
The Mabrothrax attacks up to 10 times per round, in any direction irrespective of facing. Its attacks have a 100% chance of causing infected wounds. GMs who have a copy of the Realms of Chaos supplement may decide that the Mabrothrax causes Nurgle's Rot instead of infected wounds.
Physique: When in physical form, the Mabrothrax appears as a hunched, decaying humanoid figure which stands about 12 feet tall when fully erect. It has the appearance of a month-old corpse, and its skin is covered in festering boils. Bones and internal organs protrude in the places where its skin has rotted away.
Alignment: Chaotic.
Psychological Traits: The Mabrothrax causes terror in all living creatures, and fear in creatures which are immune to disease.
Special Rules: The Mabrothrax carries the Black Plague (see Disease) when in physical form, and any creature coming within 10 yards of it is exposed to the plague and must make the appropriate saving throws. Once per round it can cast Plague Wind - a spell which is similar in its effects to the level 4 Necromantic Magic spell Wind of Death, which requires every living creature within 2,400 yards downwind of the Mabrothrax to make a Toughness test. Failure indicates that the creature is instantly stricken with a rotting disease, losing 1 point or 10% from each characteristic each round until a successsful test against Toughness is made. When it takes the form of a fetid wind, it can move through solid objects in the same way as an Air Elemental. It is immune to non-magical attacks, and its attacks can wound creatures which are immune to non-magical weapons, unless they are also immune to disease.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Dex | Ld | Int | Cl | WP | Fel |
6 | 90 | 93 | 10 | 10 | 59 | 100 | 10 | 89 | 89 | 89 | 89 | 89 | - |
The adventure included in the back of the rulebook, "The Oldenhaller Contract", also includes the first description of Beasts of Nurgle. Below are the relevant extracts from this scenario.
"A certain gem has appeared in the city," he continues. "I won't bore you with the details, except to say that it was acquired on behalf of the House of Oldenhaller by a group of people vulgarly known as the Schatzenheimer gang, who have so far failed to make delivery. You are to recover the stone from them and deliver it here by dawn tomorrow. Like many great stones, there are several legends and superstitions attached to the gem. It is said to have come from a ring worn by Nurgle, the Chaos God, and to carry a highly infectious rotting disease which afflicts all those who handle it. I set no store by these superstitions, but in case there is some substance behind them, you will take this" - he pushes an elaborately-carved wooden box across the desk - "and use it to carry the stone. It has been enchanted to suppress the magic of anything inside for precisely six hours. That should give you adequate time to deliver the stone here. You will set out at nightfall, and I will have you guided to one of the entrances to the area known as the Asylum, which is where I believe the stone to be. Are there any questions?"
As Oldenhaller told the characters, the gem was in the possession of Kurt Holger, chief of the Schatzenheimer Gang. However, recent events have complicated matters considerably. Following a series of inter-gang disputes, the Valantinas staged a carefully planned and devastating raid on the Schatzenheimers. The Schatzenheimers were wiped out and the gem - along with everything else of value - was taken by Emilio Valantina, the mob's 'god-father'.
Dirck Huydermans, fearing his smuggling operation would be next on the Valantinas' list, sent an Assassin by the name of Jan Hoogen to kill Emilio. Jan entered Emilio's apartment via a secret entrance from the sewers, brutally murdered him and hacked off his head as proof of the deed. He then searched Emilio's corpse and found the gem. After hastily searching Emilio's apartment, Jan went back into the mines taking the stone and Emilio's head with him.
Jan never made it to the Huydermans' base. On the way back he was attacked by a Swarm of Rats. He was finally cornered in an old mine wagon, used by the Huydermans for transporting contraband, where his body - and the gem - now lie.
Just before the players' arrival, the Huydermans caverns were invaded by followers of Nurgle. They are still there, awaiting reinforcements and being held at bay by the remnants of the Huydermans gang. The cultists know the gem is somewhere in the Asylum, and they will stop at nothing to find it.
The Huydermans sent one of their number to fetch help from the Valantinas, who by now have realised the truth about the gem. They killed the messenger and are now preparing to evacuate their headquarters rather than risk infection.
There is a single corpse in the room, that of a middle-aged man dressed in expensive-looking clothes. His skin is pale brown, his face bears three weeping sores and one of his arms is missing.
The body is Kurt Holger's. He had the gem long enough to contract the disease, although he was killed by the Valentinas rather than the infection. For every round a character spends searching or otherwise touching the body, the GM should secretly roll a D100. On a roll of 4 or less the searcher has contracted Nurgle's Rot - see below. Both room and corpse have been stripped of everything of value.
If Jan's body is searched, the gem will be found, along with D6 Gold Crowns, 2D10 silver shillings and a short sword. The gem is a valuable opal, worth 80 Gold Crowns, but any character who handles it for longer than 3 rounds will begin to develop Nurgle's Rot (see below). The box supplied by Oldenhaller is the only safe way to transport the gem.
A natural cave weakly illuminated by moonlight filtering in from a concealed entrance. There are two rowing boats pulled up onto the gravelly beach, and a third moored to the jetty near the end of the cart track. In the room are six figures in filthy brown hooded robes, and one is an albino and is surrounded by a dense cloud of bloated flies.
Four of the cultists are standing in a circle, and seem to be conducting some kind of ritual. The other two are standing by the entrance from 19, and are armed with swords.
The cultists are in the process of summoning a Beast of Nurgle. The gamesmaster should control the timing of the event; the beast should have appeared if the characters spent a long time in discussions with the Huydermans, or if they have been generally slow in getting through the adventure. Otherwise, the creature will appear in D3 rounds after they enter the chamber. The cultists will attempt to complete the summoning rather than defend themselves, but should one or more of them be struck, the summoning will be broken, and all the cultists will fight for their lives.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Dex | Ld | Int | Cl | WP | Fel |
4 | 41 | 25 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 60 | 1 | 43 | 43 | 43 | 43 | 24 | 4 |
Skills: Arcane Language (Magick), Cast Spells (Chaos Magic), Identify Plants, Magic Sense, Rune Lore, Scroll Lore
Trappings: Nurgle Stave, Dagger
Magic Points: 16
Jonas' stave is carved at one end in the shape of a pointing hand and at the other end in the shape of a foot. He wears a long, ragged hooded cloak. His Chaotic Attributes are:
Jonas is also a powerful magician, and can cast the following spells:
Battle Magic: Wind Blast, Aura of Protection.
Cult Magic: Summon Beast of Nurgle.
Note: Jonas' career as a Champion of Chaos will be one of the subjects to be covered in the forthcoming Realms of Chaos supplement. For the purposes of this introductory scenario, you can ignore those of his specialist attributes which are not covered here.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Dex | Ld | Int | Cl | WP | Fel |
4 | 33 | 25 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 30 | 1 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 6 |
Skills: Disarm, Street Fighter
Trappings: Sword, Knife
The two cultists guarding the doorway into 19 are both armed with short swords. All the cultists will fight to the death if engaged in hand-to-hand combat, and cannot be forced to leave combat.
If the cultists summon a Beast of Nurgle before the characters have escaped from the complex, it will appear in the middle of the circle of cultists, and will be directed by Jonas to attack the most powerful-looking character or group of characters.
These monstrous creatures are approximately 5 feet tall, conical and without legs. Their lower bodies are covered with suckers and ooze a sickly, foul smelling goo. They propel themselves along a three-feet wide trail of self-generated slime. A bundle of immensely powerful, ghastly white suckers is used to attack their victims.
They attack with D6 suckers per round of combat; armour isnot taken into account when determining damage. As well as normal damage, each sucker injects a paralysing poison. On each successful hit, the victim must make a Poison test or be paralysed. The beast, having paralysed a victim, will do nothing during the following round while it wraps the catch securely with its lasso-like tail. When a quiet hour or two is available the Beast will secrete digestive acids and gradually dissolve the helpless captive. Only the first opponent is ensnared, the rest will be paralysed but not carried off.
Anyone who chooses to cross the Beast's trail of noxious slime without making a Leap across it, has a 5% chance of slipping and receiving 1 Wound from the powerful acids and a 5% chance of infection with the Rot. The gamesmaster should keep track of where the Beast has moved, and where the trail is left.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Dex | Ld | Int | Cl | WP | Fel |
3 | 33 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 15 | 30 | D6 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Nurgle's Rot, or The Rot, is a strange disease. It seeks to turn its victim into one of Nurgle's Plague Bearing Demons. Unfortunately, the mortal form cannot take this tortuous metamorphosis, and must eventually perish under the strain. Only Champions and Beastmen of Nurgle are immune to its effects, serving only as carriers.
Victims gradually mutate until their characteristics are identical to those of a Plague Bearer, at the rate of 1 or 10 points (as appropriate for the affected characteristic) per month. Select the affected characteristic randomly each game month. The profile for a Plague Bearer is as follows:
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Dex | Ld | Int | Cl | WP | Fel |
4 | 57 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 13 | 60 | 2 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
As well as the characteristic changes, certain other physical changes take place, as follows:
After 1 month | Skin turns pale yellow/brown |
After 2 months | Green blotches appear |
After 3 months | Skin begins to rot, attracting flies |
After 4 months | A single horn begins to grow from the forehead |
After 5 months | Horn fully grown, eyes begin to move together, nose atrophies |
After 6 months | Eyes merge into single great eye, feet turn to three-clawed hooves |
After 7 months | Face dissolves in a horror of melting flesh |
After 8 months | The victim dies |
There is no known cure for this disease. It can only be contracted from a Beast of Nurgle.
The amount of coverage relating to Nurgle makes him the most-represented Chaos God in this, the first book to describe the Gods of Chaos.